Edit history for Gainseville Pirates Association

2025-01-16 23:33:51 ipggi Updated link https://defacto2.net/g/gainseville-pirates-association
2025-01-16 23:33:26 ipggi Edited nick 'Gainseville Pirates Association': changed name to 'Gainseville Pirates Association'
2025-01-16 23:33:02 ipggi Edited notes
2025-01-16 23:32:52 ipggi Edited notes
2025-01-16 23:32:13 ipggi Edited nick 'GAinseville Pirates Association': changed name to 'GAinseville Pirates Association'; changed abbreviation to 'GPA'
2024-12-22 07:40:34 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-22 07:39:38 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-20 20:21:55 ipggi Added link https://defacto2.net/g/gpa
2024-12-20 19:47:55 ipggi Added The Slavelord as a member of GPA
2024-12-20 19:46:57 ipggi Added BBS The Tardis (904) as HQ for GPA
2024-12-20 19:41:48 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-20 19:41:35 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-20 19:40:18 ipggi Added Low Rider as a member of GPA
2024-12-20 19:40:04 ipggi Added BBS The Badlands (904) as Memberboard for GPA
2024-12-20 19:39:10 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-20 19:38:55 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-20 19:37:08 ipggi Edited nick 'GPA': changed differentiator to 'pc/warez/1989'
2024-12-20 19:36:46 ipggi Added group 'GPA'