
VLA Magazine

In RAZORDOX.NFO for a Pinball Fantasies trainer, there is an advert for VLA Magazine, a physical print magazine that's to teach demo programming and edited by The Kabal. Orders were $22 USD for 12 issues, with orders being sent to El Cajon in California.

It is not known if the magazine was published, but this advert found in RAZOR.NFO from February 1994 suggests it was.

│ │
│ The new VLA magazine is about to be printed. If you hurry and rush │
│your orders in you can still make the first issue. This Magazine/Newsletter │
│will focus on Coding/Demos/OS Discussion/and Sound, while also containing │
│hardware reviews and editorials. Some of the things to look forward to in the │
│first couple issues are. │
│ │
│ ASM Basics │
│ C/C++ Basics │
│ OS/2 Overview │
│ Intoduction to Mode-X │
│ Programming for Linux │
│ Making a Sound Engine (with GUS support) part I │
│ How to make game trainers │
│ And much much more... │
│ │
│I don't want to imply any false impressions, while this is being called a │
│magazine it is a cross between a newsletter/magazine format and will be a │
│mixture of printing types untill there are more secure advertisers. Do not │
│be alarmed however this does not change the information within. We promise │
│quality information inside. If you do not like what you read after your first │
│isssue you may cancel your subscription and recieve a refund. We will be │
│sending out a disk with the code that is in the magazines to our subscribers │
│in about 4-6 months. If you have any questions you may mail me at │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│Subscription prices are $22 for 12 issues in the US, or $27 for outside the │
│USA. Please send checks or money orders to the following address. Makes all │
│orders payable to Jed XXXX or VLA, and please remeber to send a 3x5 card │
│or slip of paper with your home address and name all spelled clearly. │
│ │
│ VLA │
│ ATTN: Jed XXXX │
│ P.O. BOX 12913 │
│ El Cajon, CA, 92022 │
│ │
│Thank you for your interest... │
│ │
│Jed │
│President/Founder/Owner │
│VLA │

Productions (0)

Last edited on 7 Feb 2025 by ipggi. See all edits