Edit history for SubZero Selim Rudi

2024-07-30 05:44:30 menace Updated SubZero Selim Rudi's credit on Beast Busters: Other (Supply)
2023-12-28 10:51:41 menace Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Robotnic: Other (original supply)
2023-12-28 10:24:20 menace Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Sky Cabbie: Other (original supply)
2023-12-28 10:23:31 menace Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Out Run Europa: Other (original supply)
2023-12-28 05:21:35 menace Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Sliding Skill: Other (original supply)
2023-12-28 05:15:40 menace Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Great Napoleonic Battles: Other (original supply)
2023-10-06 18:21:41 SubzeroSSR Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Aquatic Games 100%: Other (supply by SSR crack by FLT), Text (Subzero)
2023-05-22 20:43:53 vitalkanev Edited nick 'SubZero Selim Rudi': changed abbreviation to 'S.S.R.'; changed aliases to 'SSR'
2023-04-14 21:39:36 SubzeroSSR Added link https://codetapper.com/amiga/interviews/subzero-of-skid-row/
2021-05-31 22:26:47 SubzeroSSR Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Double Sphere: Other (Supply)
2020-12-21 04:49:40 menace Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Tower 57: Other (original supply)
2020-12-14 07:48:01 menace Added credit for SubZero Selim Rudi on Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge: Other (original supply)
2019-11-10 14:59:37 ltk_tscc Added link https://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=10395
2019-11-10 14:59:30 ltk_tscc Edited nick 'SubZero Selim Rudi': changed name to 'SubZero Selim Rudi'; changed abbreviation to 'SSR, S.S.R.'
2019-05-17 12:54:29 menace Added credit for SSR on Adventures of Robin Hood: Other (original supply)
2018-12-01 20:55:15 menace Edited notes
2018-03-03 05:21:01 menace Updated SSR's credit on Knights of the Sky: Other (original supply)
2018-03-03 05:20:56 menace Updated SSR's credit on Knights of the Sky: Other (original suplpy)
2018-03-03 05:20:50 menace Added credit for SSR on Knights of the Sky: Other (original suply)
2015-08-13 19:57:44 menace Edited nick 'SSR': changed abbreviation to 'S.S.R.'
2015-08-13 19:57:35 menace Added credit for SSR on Mad TV: Other (original supply)
2015-08-13 19:33:47 menace Added credit for SSR on B.C. Kid PLayable Preview: Other (original supply)
2013-12-01 21:06:30 menace Added credit for SSR on Galactic Dance Playable Preview: Other (original supply)
2012-12-19 06:58:30 menace Updated SSR's status as a subgroup of Skid Row: changed subgroup to SSR, set as ex-subgroup