USG was formed right after Shadows Party 1994, as several of its Pomeranian participants (Stanley, Tabu, Dracon) manifested a desire to do something productive on the scene at the time, and for technical reasons it was not possible to show Stanley's planned production at the said party. The group had relatively a short lifespan - 1994-1996. And durign that time following prods were released: "XL-Paint Viewer" together with nice "XL-Paint" graphics editor (probably the first graphics editor for Atari 8-bit offering the use of Amiga-like filters (Stanley considered about it to be sold as a commercial program) and unofficially circulated an intro, actually one part of the planned megademo... Unfortunately, ambitious plans had to give way to the mundane of life: Stanley soon got busy writing games and publishing them in his new company "StanBit", while Tabu, in addition to looking for a job, became a father of a family, which absorbed him completely and Dracon got invited to Taquart group.
Last edited on 14 Aug 2022 by ltk_tscc. See all edits