Edit history for Best Amiga Dominators

2025-01-29 02:54:33 psenough Added Best Amiga Dominators as a subgroup of Paradox
2023-09-10 08:59:14 ps1ch Added Wolf76 as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2023-08-24 14:58:28 ps1ch Updated Best Amiga Dominators's credit on Jikkoyou Pawafuru Puroyakyu 2000 (JAP) Crack PAL/NTSC Selector: Code (patch), Other (original supply)
2023-08-23 17:47:34 ps1ch Added Blaze as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2023-08-22 17:37:34 ZETHorse Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Jikkoyou Pawafuru Puroyakyu 2000 (JPN) NTSC/PAL Protection Fix: Other (Supplier)
2023-08-22 17:37:13 ZETHorse Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Jikkoyou Pawafuru Puroyakyu 2000 (JPN) NTSC/PAL Protection Fix: Code (intro)
2023-08-19 09:03:03 ZETHorse Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Hydro Thunder NTSC-2-PAL Patch & +1 Trainer: Code
2023-08-19 08:48:34 ZETHorse Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Battle Tanx Global Assault NTSC-2-PAL Selector: Code
2023-08-11 16:41:54 ps1ch Added Darth Vader as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2023-08-04 18:42:03 ZETHorse Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Disney Magical Racing Tour - NTSC/PAL Selector: Code
2023-08-03 00:06:22 ZETHorse Updated Best Amiga Dominators's credit on Iron Soldier 3 (USA) Crack NTSC/PAL Selector: Code
2023-08-01 19:18:51 ps1ch Added Mirko as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2023-04-07 08:18:22 ps1ch Added Ricky as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2022-08-04 10:49:20 looper231 Added Digital God as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2022-06-02 02:02:41 ipggi Edited nick 'Best Amiga Dominators': changed differentiator to 'psx/warez'
2017-03-25 19:26:06 menace Added Best Amiga Dominator as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2017-03-23 19:42:29 menace Edited notes
2017-03-23 19:42:08 menace Edited notes
2017-03-23 19:41:43 menace Edited notes
2017-03-23 19:41:31 menace Added BRT as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2017-03-23 19:41:17 menace Edited notes
2017-03-23 19:40:53 menace Edited notes
2017-03-23 19:40:41 menace Added Char Aznable as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2017-03-23 19:40:33 menace Edited notes
2017-03-23 19:40:08 menace Added KD2.1976 as a member of Best Amiga Dominators
2017-03-23 19:39:57 menace Edited notes
2017-03-19 17:36:14 menace Edited notes
2017-03-19 15:40:25 menace Edited notes
2017-03-13 20:13:35 menace Deleted Best Amiga Dominators's credit on Casper Friends Around The World (USA) +5 PAL/NTSC Selector
2017-03-13 20:13:18 menace Deleted Best Amiga Dominators's credit on Woody Woodpecker Racing (USA/NTSC) Trainer PAL/NTSC
2017-03-13 20:12:30 menace Deleted Best Amiga Dominators's credit on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 3rd Edition
2017-03-11 14:50:20 menace Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Casper Friends Around The World (USA) +5 PAL/NTSC Selector: Code (moduleplayer)
2017-03-11 07:59:27 menace Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 3rd Edition: Code (modplayer)
2017-03-10 05:16:18 menace Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Soul Reaver PAL/ITA +6 Trainer: Code (crack)
2017-03-10 04:47:37 menace Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Woody Woodpecker Racing (USA/NTSC) Trainer PAL/NTSC: Code (moduleplayer)
2017-03-08 20:48:03 menace Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Rally Masters Race of Champions PAL PAL/NTSC Selector: Code (intro)
2017-03-08 20:40:26 menace Added credit for Best Amiga Dominators on Medievil 2 ITA Cracked PAL/NTSC Selector +2: Code (intro)
2013-04-29 11:57:35 menace Edited notes
2013-04-29 11:57:22 menace Added link http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=8187
2013-04-29 11:57:01 menace Added link http://www.scene.org/dir.php?dir=/demos/groups/best_amiga_dominators/
2013-04-29 11:56:52 menace Added group 'Best Amiga Dominators'