Three Shuffles Cracktro (october 1998) came with an nfo reporting, "Well with the merge with CREATiON, we are really going to start kicking ass", and listed Klefz (founder), Aerosmith, Dawebmstr, Klefz, Krazey, [SiCK] (council), dS, GregK, Malnut, Moz-, [Sitez], Youthx, Zeus21 (seniors), aenima, AoN, Beata, bo0tman, Cyclone, Zulle, dront, DyingSoul, eich, Freak, maktone, Painless, Pingu, scarface, teque, Twirler, Ydevil (members), Bohnz, ^-Cyber-^, eich, MaLnUt, Puffy-, WhiteEagl and ZeuS21 (traders) as members at that time.