Edit history for Flash Production

2025-01-28 06:45:27 menace Edited notes
2025-01-28 06:44:57 menace Edited notes
2025-01-28 06:43:41 menace Updated Dean Krog's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:43:37 menace Updated Powersledge's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:43:32 menace Updated Commando's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:43:28 menace Updated Mithrandir's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:43:23 menace Updated Bonax's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:40:52 menace Updated Blutch's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:40:47 menace Updated Nameless's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:40:41 menace Updated Krest's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:40:35 menace Updated Beat-Boy's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:40:30 menace Updated Freagle's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:40:26 menace Updated A No One's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:40:20 menace Edited notes
2025-01-28 06:35:14 menace Updated Asoid's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:35:10 menace Updated Asoid's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production
2025-01-28 06:34:59 menace Updated Atzec's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:34:56 menace Updated Atzec's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production
2025-01-28 06:34:47 menace Updated Axe's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production, set as ex-member
2025-01-28 06:34:38 menace Updated Bonax's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production
2025-01-28 06:34:28 menace Updated Dean Krog's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production
2025-01-28 06:34:12 menace Updated Nameless's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production
2025-01-28 06:33:59 menace Edited nick 'Flash': changed differentiator to 'c64+amiga/.dk'
2025-01-28 05:50:55 menace Deleted Flash Production's credit on Megademo - Masters At Work
2025-01-28 05:47:50 menace Edited nick 'Flash Production': changed differentiator to ''
2025-01-28 05:47:33 menace Updated Mach II's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production, set as ex-member
2025-01-28 05:45:45 menace Edited nick 'Flash': changed abbreviation to '#1'; changed differentiator to 'c64/.dk'
2025-01-28 05:45:31 menace Added nick 'Flash'
2025-01-13 06:15:43 menace Updated Morsecode's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2024-11-16 20:44:57 menace Edited notes
2024-06-28 05:26:39 menace Added Knight as a member of Flash Production
2021-08-05 09:45:44 menace Added Natas as a member of Flash Production
2021-05-09 08:56:27 menace Added ThE ShAdOw as a member of Flash Production
2020-10-31 06:10:01 menace Updated Cryolite's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2020-10-27 13:53:21 menace Added Cryolite as a member of Flash Production
2020-03-29 18:33:22 ltk_tscc Added link https://files.scene.org/browse/demos/groups/flash_production/
2019-10-24 14:18:57 Brittle Updated Raistlin's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production, set as ex-member
2019-10-12 15:05:45 menace Added Black Panther as a member of Flash Production
2019-08-21 19:35:57 menace Added link http://csdb.dk/group/?id=3141
2019-02-03 12:24:35 100bit Added Rancor as a member of Flash Production
2018-12-26 05:56:14 menace Edited notes
2018-12-26 05:56:05 menace Added Steve as a member of Flash Production
2018-12-26 05:55:40 menace Edited notes
2018-05-10 14:27:40 ltk_tscc Added link https://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=1229
2018-05-10 14:25:32 ltk_tscc Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=132
2017-06-14 04:24:01 menace Updated Ceel's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production, set as ex-member
2017-05-28 12:56:06 menace Added Matrix as a member of Flash Production
2016-03-08 08:15:29 menace Edited nick 'Flash Production': changed differentiator to 'amiga'
2015-09-24 16:46:16 TDK Added TDK as a member of Flash Production
2015-06-17 04:51:03 menace Added Rick as a member of Flash Production
2015-06-17 04:50:53 menace Added Deathbringer as a member of Flash Production
2015-06-17 04:49:52 menace Edited nick 'Flash Production': changed abbreviation to 'FP'
2015-04-18 06:12:15 menace Updated Beat-Boy's membership of Flash Production: changed member to Beat-Boy
2015-04-18 06:11:32 menace Added Beat Boy as a member of Flash Production
2015-04-10 19:34:56 menace Edited notes
2015-04-10 19:34:22 menace Edited notes
2015-04-10 19:33:10 menace Added Match as a member of Flash Production
2015-03-08 19:21:22 menace Edited notes
2015-03-08 19:21:03 menace Added Skavenger as a member of Flash Production
2015-03-08 19:20:50 menace Edited notes
2015-03-08 19:20:36 menace Added Morsecode as a member of Flash Production
2015-03-08 19:20:03 menace Edited notes
2015-03-08 12:43:25 menace Added Diatron as a member of Flash Production
2015-01-31 07:32:49 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:30:55 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:30:44 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:28:45 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:28:11 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:27:58 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:27:42 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:27:27 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:27:07 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:26:52 menace Edited notes
2015-01-31 07:25:55 menace Edited notes
2014-11-10 05:46:25 menace Updated Kefir's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production, set as ex-member
2014-11-10 05:46:18 menace Added Kefir as a member of Flash Production
2014-10-05 18:16:44 menace Added Matrix as a member of Flash Production
2014-06-27 01:56:20 dipswitch Added credit for Flash Production on News On Tour 7: Text (Interviewed)
2013-12-18 05:23:01 menace Updated Majic Mushroom's membership of Flash Production: set as ex-member
2013-12-18 05:22:55 menace Added Majic Mushroom as a member of Flash Production
2013-12-18 04:54:14 menace Edited nick 'Flash Production': changed aliases to 'Flash Productions'
2013-12-18 04:44:54 menace Updated J.A.D.E.'s membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production, set as ex-member
2013-12-18 04:40:14 menace Edited notes
2012-09-11 06:11:34 menace Updated Paradroid's membership of Flash Production: changed group to Flash Production, set as ex-member