Edit history for My Best Piece Ever by Lucifer / The New Pirates

2017-06-23 14:35:05 ltk_tscc Set title to 'My Best Piece Ever', author to 'Lucifer / The New Pirates'
2016-04-01 19:50:25 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://fujiology.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/MUSIC/FT/TUNEZ/L/LUCIFER/4CHANNEL/MYBESTPC.MOD
2016-04-01 19:39:35 Asle Added tag '4ch'
2016-04-01 19:39:32 Asle Added tag 'mod'
2016-04-01 19:39:27 Asle Added production 'MY BEST PIECE EVER'