Edit history for Pr0n Busters by Zalza / Tequila

2025-03-26 14:05:36 Toppy Added link https://modarchive.org/module.php?153985
2025-03-26 14:05:08 Toppy Set title to 'Pr0n Busters', release date to July 2000, type to Tracked Music
2021-07-25 12:27:46 ericorsio Added link https://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Fasttracker%202/Zalza/pr0n%20busters.xm
2021-07-25 12:27:04 ericorsio Removed tag 'cover-version'
2021-07-25 12:26:57 ericorsio Added tag 'cover-version'
2021-07-25 12:26:55 ericorsio Added tag 'xm'
2021-07-25 12:26:53 ericorsio Added tag '12ch'