Final Step

by JCO

  • Released 2000

Verse 1

is all around me
when I first try
to open my eyes

Years before
so I think
I fell asleep
trying to die

Standing up
and takin just a look around me
I can see
only dark reality

what has happened
I feel despair
and incredible fear


what is it like?
to see behind the door
we try to close
in front of ourselves

we're not too far
from a second way of living
call it a dream
I know it's true

and if you ask
"how can I get there?"
I must tell you what
you don't want to hear

that the step
you have to go to reach this world
means to end
your existence

Verse 2

was my goal
Escape to a place
far away from here

I failed
I woke up
in the old, scary

Is there no way?
To get out
of this world...

freedom carefully kept
far away from me


Last edited on 25 Jul 2017 by Saga_Musix. See all edits