Edit history for The Pupil by Bladetone

2019-03-09 06:41:52 menace Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0Dr3GBNzqA
2019-03-09 06:40:29 menace Added link ftp://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Fasttracker 2/Bladetone/the pupil.xm
2019-03-09 06:40:07 menace Updated competition placing info for The Pupil in The Complete Module Compo (CMC) 2002 February Music competition
2019-03-09 06:40:01 menace Updated competition placing info for The Pupil in The Complete Module Compo (CMC) 2002 February Music competition
2019-03-09 06:39:50 menace Added competition placing for The Pupil in The Complete Module Compo (CMC) 2002 February Music competition