Edit history for Oberstufe by Larry / Advance ^ Blacktron Music Productions

2020-08-24 11:18:14 vitalkanev Set author to 'Larry / Advance ^ Blacktron Music Productions'
2020-08-14 15:30:10 vitalkanev Added link ftp://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Impulsetracker/Push/oberstufe.it
2020-08-12 14:34:45 vitalkanev Added tag '20ch'
2020-08-12 14:34:39 vitalkanev Set author to ' / BMP ^ Advance'
2020-08-12 14:33:30 vitalkanev Set author to 'Larry'
2020-08-03 11:48:11 vitalkanev Added tag 'it'
2020-08-03 11:47:06 vitalkanev Set author to ' / Blacktron Music Productions'
2020-08-03 11:46:50 vitalkanev Set author to 'Larry / BMP'
2020-08-03 11:46:23 vitalkanev Added link https://files.scene.org/view/music/compos/blacktron_music_compo_2/entries/1/bmp-101.zip
2020-08-02 14:49:46 vitalkanev Added competition placing for Oberstufe in Blacktron Music Compo 1998 (2) Category 1 (techno/acid) competition