Edit history for huston we have a problem... by Tribal / K2 ^ X-Zone

2021-10-09 16:49:50 ericorsio Added link https://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Fasttracker%202/Ooze/huston%20we%20have%20a%20problem.xm
2020-09-24 15:12:30 vitalkanev Added tag 'xm'
2020-09-24 15:12:30 vitalkanev Added tag '18ch'
2020-09-23 13:36:30 vitalkanev Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/music/compos/blacktron_music_compo_2/entries/1/k2-hustn.zip
2020-09-19 14:42:16 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for huston we have a problem... in Blacktron Music Compo 1998 (2) Category 1 (techno/acid) competition
2020-09-19 14:41:19 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for huston we have a problem... in Blacktron Music Compo 1998 (2) Category 1 (techno/acid) competition
2020-09-19 14:40:59 vitalkanev Added competition placing for huston we have a problem... in Blacktron Music Compo 1998 (2) Category 1 (techno/acid) competition