Edit history for injustic.xm by Nsite

2021-08-18 17:28:48 menace Added tag 'lost'
2021-08-18 17:28:47 menace Added tag 'xm'
2021-08-18 17:28:22 menace Set author to 'nsite', release date to October 1997
2021-08-18 11:32:19 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for injustic.xm in GroovyCompo #2 Music competition
2021-08-18 11:32:17 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for injustic.xm in GroovyCompo #2 Music competition
2021-08-18 11:32:12 vitalkanev Added competition placing for injustic.xm in GroovyCompo #2 Music competition