Edit history for Shore the Stars by Akolade

2021-08-29 18:59:30 ericorsio Added link https://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Impulsetracker/Akolade/shore%20the%20stars.it
2021-08-29 18:59:27 ericorsio Added tag '16ch'
2021-08-29 18:19:46 phoenix Added link https://files.scene.org/view/mirrors/hornet/music/contests/mc6/intermed/m6i-shst.zip
2021-08-29 18:19:43 phoenix Added tag 'it'
2021-08-29 18:16:53 phoenix Updated competition placing info for Shore the Stars in Music Contest 6 Intermediate Division competition
2021-08-29 18:16:50 phoenix Added competition placing for Shore the Stars in Music Contest 6 Intermediate Division competition