Edit history for 1st and Last... by Squeezy / IRD

2022-02-07 06:32:06 menace Added link https://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Protracker/Squeezy/1st%20and%20last.mod
2022-02-07 02:34:21 phoenix Added link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1996/assembly96/m4ch/1stlast.zip
2022-02-07 02:34:10 phoenix Added tag 'mod'
2022-02-07 02:34:09 phoenix Added tag '4ch'
2022-02-07 02:34:06 phoenix Set author to 'Squeezy / ird'
2022-02-07 02:32:47 phoenix Updated competition placing info for 1st and Last... in Assembly 1996 4 Channel Music competition
2022-02-07 02:32:22 phoenix Added competition placing for 1st and Last... in Assembly 1996 4 Channel Music competition