Info text from the Twisted Chipster music disk; "Trouble at Grand Central.... Format: XM (FastTracker v2.00)... hey kids.. here's something i threw together very quickly on saturday afternoon. i really wanted to make something for this disk but i was unfortunately side-tracked continually by coding. but a day before the deadline i at last got an idea for a tune, and here it is. its in no way a chip, just a small tune. hm this is one of my very few releases this year unfortunately. i think i have nearly as many demos as tunes out. but in the future you can look out for some more releases on the jecoute label - a load of jazz and funk with true style, from me and from other guys. you can also expect some more demos released by me in the next months. we have something fast coming for a ukscene compo, but also some really big stuff for the future too. overlong scrolltexts rule, so i wanna take this opportunity to send out greets to andromeda and pantaloon for boozing past and future, to reed for great music and good times at asm. graffik, wade, suicide, aln, and all the other flt guys for rocking the house still. bliss, maktone, xerxes, mickrip and other great musicians associated with flt. xhale, arcane, sixpack and the many cool norwegian sceners i met this summer. all the noice guys, especially gnilk, thanks for all the booze and my apologies about that drunken incident at asm, not that either of us really remember.. hehheh. everyone i met at asm and mekka, including phoenix, gidwul, pyro, ps,flad, xxx, etc. the few active uksceners, like darkblade, dvs, bal and the rest. and finally to everyone who is not lame. ithankyouandgoodnight (info text by smash).... Lets loop again like we did last summer...."
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Fairlight | Oct 2002 |
Last edited on 18 Apr 2014 by menace. See all edits
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