Dansze Mucyka

by Reed / Fairlight



Info text from Twisted Chipster; "Dansze Mucyka by Reed.... Format: XM (FastTracker v2.00).... This is perhaps the best module to depict the changes in my taste of music - from relatively complex funk to repetitive, cheesy, but still funky 70s disco. While tracking the tune, I tried to concentrate more on the overall boogie factor than on, well, showing off. Because that's what funk and especially jazz is all about, really. Each player taking their skills to the limit and just showing what they can do. Disco needs a completely different approach. Of course, talking about jazz and trackers in the same sentence is pretty much a doomed idea. You can't improvise with a tracker, for example. Trackers are too limited in a lot of ways, that's why I refuse to even try to capture the feeling of 'real' jazz in a tracker. But my utter respects to those who have succeeded, e.g. Dizzy, Carlos, Smash the coder (heh), the rest of J'Ecoute and the ones that I forgot. (info text by Reed).... Wrap...."

Last edited on 31 Dec 2024 by Mystra. See all edits