Edit history for The Journey of Ignorance by ->LUKE<- / Amazement ^ Numedia Cyclops

2013-12-16 11:04:42 menace Added download link https://www.scene.org/file.php?file=/parties/2004/assembly04/oldskool/music/the_journey_of_ignorance_by_-_luke_-___amazement_numedia_cyclops.zip&fileinfo
2013-06-27 20:18:39 menace Added tag 'S3M'
2013-06-27 20:18:26 menace Updated competition placing info for The Journey of Ignorance in Assembly 2004 Oldskool Music competition
2013-06-27 20:18:25 menace Updated competition placing info for The Journey of Ignorance in Assembly 2004 Oldskool Music competition
2013-06-27 20:18:11 menace Added competition placing for The Journey of Ignorance in Assembly 2004 Oldskool Music competition