Weekend of Screenshots, part II

27 Aug 2018

Demozoo encompasses a ginormous amount of productions across an equally gargantuan set of platforms and graphics modes and what have you. We'd like to have each and every single one screenshotted, but alas it's a big mountain to climb and we're not quite there yet. But, if it's anything we've proved since we started, it's that a little preserverance goes a long way - so let's get started fixing that, yeah? So, to kick it all off, we're arranging a second weekend-long for screenshotting ALL THE THINGS! We've set aside september 21st to 23rd - so we hope you'll show up, hang out in our Slack, and let's help each other by brininging in even more colors to paint our canvas. Colors! So many colors!

Last time out, we put some time into a document about screenshotting productions for various platforms that you can find here - perhaps there's an emulator you've never figured out, or some way on your native platfrom that you were not aware of? And if you have any corrections or ideas going forward, be sure to ping us about that too. We've got some updates for the Windows stuff coming up before the event, for sure!

Arok files and results are out!

19 Aug 2018

The Hungarian c64 powerhouse event Arok also happened this weeekend, and files and results are now available. Results have already been added to Demozoo, so now it's pretty much just a question of the discerning scener getting to donwloading and enjoying the fruits of the party!

Arok 2018 on Demozoo / on scene.org

Evoke files are out!

19 Aug 2018

Evoke compo night went down last night, and the files are now out! Get cracking on that metadata, those screenshots, and these fine prods, everyone! Enjoy! :)

Evoke 2018 on Demozoo / on scene.org

Final version of Pt. 2 Horizons released

19 Aug 2018

A final version of Unique's Pt. 2 Horizons appeared today, if you want to revisit their 3rd-placed Amiga demo from this year's Revision :)

Pt. 2 Horizons on Demozoo

Assembly 2018 winners!

07 Aug 2018

Historically the biggest Assembly Summer (over 9000+ visitors!) has now been wrapped and we can enjoy the releases on our sofas. The main demo compo was also filled with excellent quality releases. Compo results were not so clear until the prize giving, as the top 5 were all very first-rate entries.

On top of the classic compos there were also few more extras available at The Scene Lounge, which was an expected addition for the sceners to spend time between the compos. Scene Lounge also offered some mentoring with their workshops and seminars, so the party can hope to see some newcomers next year! Enjoy this years breath taking winners;

Demo; Number One / Another One by CNCD Fairlight
64K Intro; Out of the Box by Adapt
4K Intro; HBC-00016: Core Critical by Half-Bit Cheese
1K Intro; Geelimanipulaatio by gib3 and tix0
Oldskool Demo; Shattered Minds by Byterapers

All about Assembly 2018!

06 Aug 2018

For the 27th time (!), the annual edition of Assembly just closed its doors in Helsinki and there are TONS of releases to get your eyes on.

Assembly 2018 on Demozoo / on scene.org

Datastorm - all files are out!

04 Aug 2018

It was another fabulous Datastorm in beautiful Gothenburg. :) Now, all files are out an available on scene.org.

Datastorm 2018 on Demozoo / on scene.org

Update: Graphics and music entries from Voyage 1995 now complete!

03 Aug 2018

Thanks to our friend Asle, we just got hold of an archive containing all the entries of the Graphics competition at Voyage 1995, most of which we were missing. Now if someone had the entries from the Music competition, that would be perfect!

Update: And after some further digging, Asle came through once again, with an almost-complete set of the music! The only tune missing from this party now is the winner, which as far as we can tell was never spread. If someone knows otherwise, or even better - has a copy of the module, LimeStone by TranceTip, DO get in touch! :)

Assembly assembles!

03 Aug 2018

Also happening this weekend is the quite amazing Assembly in lovely Helsinki, Finland, and we don't want you to miss all the fun even if you can't attend. And perhaps/hopefully that will spur you on to attend next year, yeah? Yeah.

They have a special area for sceners called the Scene Lounge that you can read all about here, and also - oh we don't know, people may be doing stuff on the side of the party at some hills or other, who knows for sure really, 'tis just a rumour.

Find their twitch.tv channel here and get watching!

Lastly, Assembly just wants to put it out there that the do allow remote entries as well - check the compo rules, more about submitting and the deadlines for all that!


25 Jul 2018

The Stockholm demoparty Edison has files and results out now - all results are already added to Demozoo, and you can get busy examining the files, making some nice large screenshots, and generally getting stuck in with the goodness. :)

Edison 2018 on Demozoo / on scene.org