That's right, the first edition of CAFe was way back in 1999 on its home turf in Kazan, Russia. Over 150 releases were presented this year to celebrate the event turning 20, but it certainly wasn't all about quantity with plenty of releases being a pleasure for the eyes and/or the ears.
Flash Party, the Argentinian demo party that defines itself as a "place of comradery for enthusiasts of the technological sub-cultures in Argentina and the world", just had its 2019 edition close its door in Buenos Aires. All the releases are now on Demozoo and
Chaos Constructions took place last weekend in St Petersburg and we're pleased to announce all the releases are now available for download. As usual with the long-running Russian demoparty, the focus is mostly on ZX Spectrum, and for the last few editions also on photographs - a category split into three specific competitions.
Over on the TBL Tech Blog they've started publishing writeups on some of the tech that went into creating the demo that triumphed at Revision this year. Check out the first two, and keep checking back for more.
Tooling (published august 20th)
Scene Packing (published august 26th)