Jamaica Rom 2002 - Results

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          tHEsE aRE tHE rEsULtS oF...           //.\
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    _ ___________/\_______/\_______/\_______ _             |           ~ |
   |\\ ----/\----\//\-/\--\//\-/\----\/---- //|            |             |
   ||\\ ¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ //||  ~         |             |
   |||/        ____                        \|||                          |
   |||        /<<^>º\                       |||       Nukleus & Tulou    |
   /\|      ,/</</\\>7                      |/\          Presented...    |
   \/|     /</º<º^>\\>.    ^                |\/                      ----+---
  /|||    .</</\ª</\//|      ¯¯             |||\ Jamaica ROM Party 02    |
 //|||    ;<\< (º)<'|<'   -v-               |||\\                        |
// |/\    <   (º)  <  '       __            /\| \\  28-30th June 2002    |
\\ |\/        (º).  '     __ / /^     __    \/| //                       |
 \\\||        '(º)      /\\ Y //\\   / /^   ||/// Amiga.Atari.C64.GBC    |
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  \/\\       ;ºº;        a\//_7\\ ' //  rt  //\/                     - --+---
   ||\\  ..:..::^:.:.     maica ROM -Pa'   //||      Stockholm/Sweden    |
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   /\|                                      |/\                 - -------+---
  /\/|                                      |\/\                         |
 //|||                                      |||\\                        |
 \\|||       Where is the Party?            |||//                        |
  \|||                                      |||/                          
   |||                                      ||| www.datorexperten.se/jrp/ 
   ||\\                                    //||                           
   ||// _____/\_______/\_______/\_________ \\||            |             |
   |// ----\/----/\\/-\/--/\\/-\/----/\---- \\| -----------+-------------+---
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   |             |             |             |  Here Come The Compos...  |
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   |                           |             |             |             |
   |           æææµ            |             |             |             |
   |     æÑm_ ÆØد¯                          |             |             |
   |     ¬¶#Ø®ØØ         Demo Competition                  |             |
---+------ ¬ØØ@´___      ----------------             -----+------------ +---
   |       _ÆØNØz!om                                                     |
   |      °Ø@¶L "°¶ØK     Demos put toghether to a                       |
   |     µ@" J#    ¬¶     multipart demo (N0 vote!)                      |
   |    J"    #          Contributions delivered by:                     |
   |   J´     #                                                          |
   |  g´      F          1. Bore-Pumba/Traktor                           |
   |  #                  2. Balder-Browallia-dIS/Nukleus                 |
---+ J                   3. dr.Ulrich-Herr Groen/TexxMexx boys        - -+---
   | Ø                   4. Altruist/Tulou                               |
   | #                   5. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              |
   | 1                                                                   |
   | 1                                                                   |
   | #           |                                                       |
   | ¶           |                                                       |
   | ¬L          |             |             |             |             |
---+- " ---------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---
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   |             |             |             |           aææµ_           |
   |                                                     ¯¬¶Ø#_¸æÑÑ      |
   |                     MSX Competition (3/4ch)            0Ø&ØØP"      |
   |                     -----------------------         ____¶ØØF        |
---+---                                                 æØz!oæØ#_ -------+---
   |                     1.Metal madness  Slicer       JØ@P" J#*#°       |
   |                     2.Bal            dIS/Nukleus  f"    áF ¬¶m      |
   |                                                         ÆL   ¬ð     |
   |      GFX Competition (pixel)                            ]     ¬ð    |
   |      -----------------------                            ¬      ¬K   |
   |                                                                 ¶   |
   |      1.Facade de Universica   Browallia/Nukleus                  E  |
---+----- 2.Doctor,I've lost my heart!  dr.Ulrich/TexxMexx Boys       0 -+---
   |      3.Fantasy   Slicer                                          7  |
   |                                                                  J  |
   |             |                                                    j  |
   |             |             |                                      á  |
   |             |             |                           |          #  |
   |             |             |                           |         JÞ  |
   |             |             |             |             |         ¬   |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |               æææµ        |             |             |             |
   |         æÑm_ ÆØد¯                                    |             |
   |         ¬¶#Ø®ØØ         Other Competitions            |             |
   |           ¬ØØ@´___      ------------------                          |
   |           _ÆØNØz!om                                                 |
---+-------   °Ø@¶L "°¶ØK    ASCII Collections                - ---------+
   |         µ@" J#    ¬¶                                                |
   |        J"    #          1.Going to Jamaica...                       |
   |       J´     #             Cru,Miracle,Zito/1oo%                    |
   |      g´      F          2.Mustach                                   |
   |      #                     Altruist/Tulou                           |
   |     J                                                               |
   |     Ø                   MULTI ch                                    |
---+---  #                                                - -------------+
   |     1                   1.the Creator                               |
   |     1                      dIS/Nukleus                              |
   |     #                                                               |
   |     ¶       |                                                       |
   |     ¬L      |                                                       |
   |      "      |                                         |             |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |             |             |             |             |             |
   |             |             |             |  aææµ_      |             |
   |                                         |  ¯¬¶Ø#_¸æÑÑ |             |
   |            Surprise Competition #1      |     0Ø&ØØP" |             |
   |            -----------------------         ____¶ØØF   |             |
---+-----       draw an Alien within           æz!oØæØ#_  -+-------------+---
   |                  30 minutes              JØ@P" J#*#°  |             |
   |            1.Mu-alians i rymden          f"    áF ¬¶m               |
   |              Browallia/Nukleus                 ÆL   ¬ð              |
   |            2.Pipealien                         ]     ¬ð             |
   |              Pipe/Nature                |      ¬      ¬K            |
   |            3.l_13                       |              ¶            |
   |              Bore/Pumba                 |               E           |
---+---                                 -----+--------       0   --------+---
   |      Suprise Competition #2             |             | 7           |
   |      ----------------------             |             | J           |
   |      dancing carpet compo               |             | j           |
   |      1.Altruist/Tulou                   |               á           |
   |                                         |               #           |
   |             |           Suprise Competition #3         JÞ           |
   |             |           ----------------------         ¬            |
---+-------------+---- -     Imaginations - Realism  - ----+-------------+---
   |             |           1.Esau                        |             |
   |             |           2.Bonky                       |             |
   |             |           3.Pumba         |             |             |
                                             |             |             |
  Suprise Competition #4       |             |             |             |
  ----------------------       |             |             |             |
  Lingo                        |             |             |             |
  1.Codar-soffan               +-------------+-------------+-------------+---
    (Balder,Curion,Bonky)      |             |             |             |
                               |             |                           |
   |             |             |             |   Suprise Competition #5  |
   |             |             |             |   ----------------------  |
   |             |             |             |   the PeZ-race            |
   |             |             |             |   1. Esau/Traktor 12.58   |
   |             |             |             |                           |
---+------------         ------+-------------+-------------+-------------+---
   |             NORTH         |             |             |             |
   |                           |             |             |             |
   |               Æ           |                           |             |
   |               ØL                                                    |
   |              JØQ                                                    |
   |              ÆØØ                                                    |
   |              ØØØL           Use your map for travel to another ..   |
---+--------     JØØØQ           place - Isle of Scene! ..............  -+---
   |             áØØØØ           Navigate to www.datorexperten.se/jrp/   |
   |             ØØØØØL          and beware of pirates and sharks ....   |
   |           _,""""""_                                                 |
   |       __µØØF      Ø#mw_                                             |
        _ææØØØØØF      ØØØØØ#m__                                         |
 WEST  °ÑØØØØØØØF      ØØØØØØØØ@  EAST                                   |
          °¶ÑØØØF      ØØØØÑP"                                           |
---+----     ¬°MF      Ø@"¯                                              +---
   |             ÑÑÑÑÑf          More files than are shown in this ..    |
   |             0ØØØØ           .res are to follow! Thanks to all ..    |
   |             ]z!oØ           visitors helping supporting JRP! ...    |
   |              ØØØF           See you again! .....................    |
   |              0ØØÞ                                                   |
   |              ]Ø#            One greet goes to the party  Remedy:    |
   |               Ø#            Thankx for Amiga-support, You sucks.    |
---+------------   0Þ  --------+                                       --+---
   |             | `           |             |             |             |
   |                           |             |             |             |
   |              SOUTH        |             |             |             |
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   |             |             |                .:.::.       :::.        |
   |             |             |          /\ .   :: ::ukleus   ::ulou     /\
   |             |             |           .\ .  :: ::         ::      . /. 
   | Ascii Design Done By                  \~\~/ -------------------- \~/~/ 
   |        Zito/1oo% & Browallia/Nukleus   \:/  JAMAICA ROM-PARTY 02  \:/ 
   |                           |             |    Where is the Party?   |   
 --+-- - - - --  +--- ---------+------ -  - _|_  -----28.06-30.06----  _|_

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org