Symphony 2002 - Results

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Semiofficial Symphony 2002 Results
v0.1 wto 09 lip 2002 05:52:58 CEST
from BloodMan <>

!!! btw. no info-file's suxx !!!
pl: wiec reszta bedzie jak posprawdzam(y)... ;)

   lp. title / autor^group(s)
Demo (Combined Amiga + PC)

    1. Third Eye Conqueror / Mawi (Amiga)
    2. The S / Suspend
    3. Syntetik Life / Origin Unknown (Amiga)
    4. Full Moon Madness / Addict
    5. Captured Dream Team / ?
    6. Das Boot / ?
 7aex. I'm / Ken Kusagi & Akino.m & GDR
 7aex. Vile / Keph^Darkeden
C64 4k Intro

    1. ? / ? (entry 2)
    2. ? / ? (entry 1)
    3. ? / ? (entry 3)
    4. ???
   Fenek^Arise: help... ;P
PC 4k Intro: (Consequence == Offcompo)

    1. ? / ?
Chip Music (Combined C64 + Chip)

    1. ? / ? (entry 3)
    2. ? / ? (entry 5)
 3aex. ? / ? (entry 4)
 3aex. Elmo - Da Phunny Man / Rzs
    4. ? / ? (entry 7)
 5aex. Natalka Roox / Flapjack^Appendix
 5aex. Chippie_04 / Elektro^Radiator
 6aex. ? / ? (entry 2)
 6aex. Ravenhill / Voyager^Darklight
 7aex. ? / ? (entry 6)
 7aex. Squeezer / Maestro^Gedeon
    8. ? / ? (entry 1)
    9. Star / Arson+Pioter

   Fenek^Arise: help... ;P
30sec. Jingle Music

    1. Be-Jing / Rogal SoundSystem^D6
    2. Sync Modular Edited Nord Lead / Protas^The Grid
    3. Special Pokemon Extension / Voyager^Darklight
?4aex. RaceB / Essential Sound
?4aex. Analysis / Origin
   ?5. Progressive Radio / Clown!t
   ?6. Komercja / 6a2a9
   ?7. ? / ?
4 Channel Music

    1. Jumpy Alien / Traymuss^Addict & Vague Records
    2. Upside Down / Seabrush^Ultimaa & Mystic bytes
    3. Der Horizont / Flapjack^Mawi
    4. Baby I Wanna / Emsi^Addict
 5aex. Zed's Dead / Zombie^Behemoth Breakz
 5aex. Bad Trip / Cactoos^Da'Hoo
Multichannel Music

    1. Immemorial / Traymuss^Addict & Vague Records
    2. Stand Up For Your Rites / Rogal SoundSystem^D6
    3. Funky Baranky / Flapjack^Mawi
 4aex. Fork / Koglas^NeMesiS
 4aex. Swiadomosc / Emsi^Addict
 5aex. Negative Vibrations / Voyager^Darklight
 5aex. Knulla Kuk - NG / Grogon^PSL
    6. Meditation / ? & Emsi^Addict
 7aex. Silly Venture / Seabrush^Ultimaa & Mystic bytes
 7aex. Pulse / Robin^Whelpz
    8. Setting Sun / Skuter^Marsmellow
    9. Mik Mik / Traymuss^Addict & vague Records
MP3 Music

    1. Syndromedia / Essential Sound
    2. Vivid Illusions part 2 / Singer
    3. Maltibu / Traymuss^Addict & Vague Records
    4. It's Not A Graceland / Protas^The Grid
    5. Trzcianka Suite / Blz^Exmortis & Razor 1911
 6aex. Nuclaiosh Goa / Yans^Decree
 6aex. Tabasco / Helium
    7. Mysanthia / Raiden^Aural Planet & Suspend
    8. Dance Of The Robot / Seabrush^Ultimaa
    9. Psychoanaliza 2 / Szudi^Suspend
   10. Body Of A Woman / Pioter^Behemoth Breakz
11aex. Technoclub / Psyco^3-Rulers
11aex. Core Meldown / Voyager^Darklight
12aex. Flight / Biter
12aex. Step A Side / Fademan^Fluctation
Pixel Graphics

    1. The Butcher Boy / Mime^The Grid
    2. Recover / Lester^Scoopex & The Grid
    3. Aureone Space / Rork^Decree & Whelpz
    4. Inside My Dreams Part 2 / Critkill^Farbrausch & Scenic
    5. Secret Garden / Statique^Darkeden
    6. Wizard / Bamboos^Addict
    7. Pillow Adventure / Mantra^Addict & Scenic & Nah Kolor
    8. Seele2 / Demiurge Ash
 9aex. Moonkey / Pix^Scenic
 9aex. Obok Nas / Canna^Whelpz
   10. From Budda In Love / Neuromancer^Skulls & Appendix
   11. Devil vs Angel / Lynx Vulgaris^Crolyx Team
   12. Cosmochild / Alan^Whelpz
Image Processing

   1. Slide / Insane^Suspend
   2. Light Blue / Difuse^Addict
 3ex. Hidden Abbys / Sagat
 3ex. Universal Conqueror / Azzaro & Ubik ^ Mawi & Erazorcats
 4aex. Yes, Origin Unknown / Azzaro^Mawi & Floppy
 4aex. Aimlessl.png ? / ? (entry 2)
    5. Autosu~1.png ? / Gorzyga^Dcr
    6. Heroes From Our Past / Podo^Mawi & Whelpz
Raytraced Graphics

   1. Try More / Degrysin^Nah Kolor & Scoopex & Suspend
   2. La Baze / Mantra^Addict Labs
   3. Buda Bula / Neuroup^Addict Labs
   4. Balls / Insane^Suspend
   5. Amiga / Kybork^RR
   6. Facial Kreation / Prevent^Mawi
   7. Dixie1.bmp / Dixie^Prototype
C64 Graphics

    1. ? / ? (entry 1)
 2aex. ? / ? (entry 2)
 2aex. ? / ? (entry 3)
    3. ? / ? (entry 4)

   Fenek^Arise: help... ;P

   1. ? / Willy (entry 1)
   2. ? / Kewi (entry 2)

   1. Tolu / Bohema Records
   2. [vhs] ? / Bonzaj
Wild + Crazy (???combined???)

   ?. Connection / Biter
   ?. Dogorywac / Hlor Dezign
   ?. ? / Brygada RR
   ?. Untitl~1.psd / ?
   ?. Untitl~2.psd / ?
   ?. Dres Genesis / Base Urain
   ?. George / Brygada RR
   ?. Kawaleria Scenowa / Brygada RR

rest? later... later... please... wieczorem. badzcie czujni!