React 2003 - Results
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React 2k3 Results
Results for Demo Compo
Rank Production By
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1 Slither Quadra
2 Peacekeeperz eyelead
3 Absence The Lab
4 Defiance ^gfx
5 01 Wcf
6 Scener's Brain Reversed Engineers
Results for MP3/OGG Music Compo
Rank Production By
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1 Yum Dousk
2 Daily Disorder Alias Medron
3 Last Of A Kind Korspus
4 Poor Infant Space Gathul
- Repentance Delphin
5 Dreaming On Mescaline Mescaline
6 From Heaven To Hell darkcell
7 Night Elves Apomakros
8 Abitra Fubyo
9 Panic Ekna
10 Arc Go$t
11 Molotov Screwface
12 Summa BadSector
13 (S.U.X) Sybex
Results for Tracked Music Compo
Rank Production By
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1 O - Gademis Thor
2 I Love You Rigel
3 Epic Dreams Reflector
- War Games Alias Medron
4 Floater Dousk
5 3.05 min Amigo
6 Birth Palmuter
- Stardust Mescaline
7 Spirit Of Azura Gathul
8 Flame Korpsus
9 Oriental Apomakros
Results for Graphics Compo
Rank Production By
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1 live another day medroivikos
2 beauty tips iM
3 die another day amoidron
4 sleepy BadSector
Results for Raytrace Compo
Rank Production By
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1 Battle End Terraarc
2 Skull Korpsus
3 Quil Rawnoise
Results for CD Throwing competition
Rank Nickname
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2 zafos (after hitting the wall)
3 Palmuter
4 Jocker, Korpsus
6 \
7 \_ Impossible to rank the rest, in the chaos that existed on the throwing field :P
. /
. /
Results for Wild Demo Compo
Rank Production By
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1 Optisturvaat ASD
2 A Step Beyond Dirty Minds (Amstrad CPC Demo)
3 Bouncing Sceners BadSector
Alias Medron's Wild was not presented due to technical problems. We apologise medron
The ReAct2003 CPC results are:
CPC demo compo
Cancelled. A Step beyond / Dirty Minds was transfered to wild demo compo
CPC gfx compo
1st) Banana by Rex
2nd) Pit lord by Rex
3rd) Gremlin by Sice
CPC music compo
1st) Sionide by Sice
2nd) Untitled by Antitec
3rd) Knightfall by Tsoustis
4th) Paduam by Sice
For more information and scores for each production, visit