SF2K 2002 - Results

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                           SF2k competition results

   These are the results of the SF2k competitions. The voting was done as

     * Music competition: After playing all songs, a short fragment of
       each song was played. After each fragment, people who thought it
       was worth a top 3 position were asked to raise a hand. After the
       first round, three songs were so close, a second round was held
       for those songs. People who thought the song deserved a 1st place
       were asked to raise a hand. The number of points is the number of
       people who raised there hand.
     * 64Kb competition: There were two entries. People who thought an
       entry should be 1st place were asked to raise a hand. The number
       of points is the number of hands raised.
     * Demo competition: there were no demos.
     * Wild competition: People who thought an entry should be 1st place
       were asked to raise a hand. The number of points is the number of
       hands raised.
     * Monitor bashing competition: Bassie / RBI was the only one to
       finish bashing a monitor, since Nicow subsequently broke the bat.
       Hence, Bassie was pronounced winner.

   Prizes were an SF2k-2 t-shirt for 1st prize winners.

  Music competition

   Name of musician     Title of production   Points
   -------------------- -------------------   ------
   Case                 Koos used Lunix      22 / 10
   Cosmic Trance        Silent Clockwork     21 /  9
   Jay / RBI            Midtown Summer       21 /  6
   Druid / Solar        Technoid                  10
   Avalanche            Zelda II                   6

  64Kb Intro competition

   Name of coder/group  Title of production   Points
   -------------------- -------------------   ------
   Rob / Aardbei        East Side Works           25
   Zaxe                 Plamsane                   1

  Wild competition

   Name of coder/artist Title of production   Points
   -------------------- -------------------   ------
   The Bat              Happiness SF2k            12
   Zaxe                 mandel (178 bytes)         5
   Numtek               Typo                       5
   Zaxe                 e1 (64 bytes)              2

  Monitor bashing competition

   Winner: Bassie / RBI

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