DemoJS 2012 - Results

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                                           2012 maracuja/zuul
                >>> DemoJS 2012 results - <<< 
                             THE BROWSER DEMOPARTY
                           Paris - 29 & 30 June 2012                                          
 #rank Title - Groupname                               (number of points,
                                                        showing order,

   #1 MATRAKA - p01 / ribbon + 4mat / ate bit ....... (500pts, 14, remote)
   #2 Smoke VS Structure - Rift ..................... (410pts, 13)
   #3 spelunking - orbitaldecay ..................... (336pts, 2, remote)
   #4 Bended - Log .................................. (285pts, 12)
   #5 Morning Job - hexapode ........................ (275pts, 9)
   #6 Nufl0wer - Straylight ......................... (262pts, 3, remote)
   #7 adinpsz - 512 bytes ........................... (247pts, 1)
   #8 raster 1k - Popsy Team ........................ (220pts, 7)
   #9 Way of Css - bobylito ......................... (214pts, 8)
  #10 TunnelMaze - Tarmil/Ctrl-Alt-Test ............. (210pts, 11)
  #11 liquid pixel - Noctis ......................... (160pts, 10)
  #12 La 3D en folie - Sector One ................... (155pts, 4)  
  #13 SkrE7ch - Kane ................................ (126pts, 5)                                     
  #14 Catarakt - Kane ............................... (104pts, 6)
  #xx DemoJS Matrix - Martin Amps ................... (xxxpts, x)
  (not shown, prod sent after the beginning of the 1k compo)
   #1 mwwnwormer - Rift & DSS ....................... (182pts, 2)
   #2 reborn - tmp in cooperation with adinpsz....... (170pts, 1)
   #3 parsley state - tpolm ......................... (113pts, 3)

   #1 route101 - Siorki ............................. (246pts, 4, remote)
   #2 1700 - kalachnikov ............................ (195pts, 3)
   #3 Minitel - yGG4x ............................... (85pts, 2)
   #x macchina - 5013 ............................... (xxpts, 1, remote)
   An inopportune chrome update during the saturday screwed up things for
   macchina, which was shown without working audio (which is quite a bummer
   for a generative music experiment!).
   Don't forget to try the prod on your computer, and our apologies to 5013
   for this inconvenience.

   #1 Burnt - Game From Mars ........................ (219pts, 3)
   #2 muf - trambz .................................. (179pts, 2)
   #3 BIGintro - The Matadors ....................... (178pts, 5)
   #4 peer pressure - bilotrip ...................... (113pts, 4, remote)
   #5 mute - yGG4x .................................. (76pts, 1)
