ICC #3 was an event that only happend on IRC.
Delta Force - New Mode (General)
Delta Force - Ray (WWW-Page maintainer)
Scum Of The Earth - Zork (IRC-Questions)
TEX - Daryl (General)
ACF Design Team - Jacky
Aenigmatica - ZoKathRa
Aggression - Creator
Aggression - Lance
Aggression - Setok
Aggression - WizTom
Aggression - Xenit
Amazine Team - AeM
Aura - Aeon
Aura - BDCannibal
Aura - Chris
Black Monolith Team - Smash.T
Black Monolith Tean - Ford Perfect
Dead Hackers Society - Evil
Dead Hackers Society - Loke
Delta Force - Big Alec
Delta Force - ChaosInc
Delta Force - Flix
Delta Force - New Mode
Delta Force - Oxygene
Delta Force - Ray
Delta Force - Wizzcat
Digital Chaos - Hackbear
Digital Chaos (previous Inner Circle) - Griff
Electra - Abel
Electra - Kasper
Galtan 6 - CIA
Galtan 6 - EVE
Galtan 6 - One
GoreZone BBS - Mr. XY
Impulse - Longshot
Jaguar Mag Germany - Leti
Lazer - Energizer
Level 16 - Andreas
Mugwumps, member of The Independent - Scandion
NN - Rob Povey
NN - Yak the Hairy
NPG - Carnera
NPG - Cymric (Apollo)
Oasis - Rogue
Omega - Haq
Quartermass Xperiment - Cronos Warchild of the Amazing Cracking Conspiracy
Scriba Communis Respons - Gard
Scum Of The Earth (I hope...) - Zork
ST Connexion - Vantage
SYNC - Mega
SYNC - Mr Mac
SYNC - Troed (Red Fox)
Synergy - Mysteria
Synth Dream, ENS, Galtan Six - Jenkins
TEX - Daryl
The Extract - Sunix
The Lost Boys - Digital Insanity
The Lost Boys - Manikin
The Lost Boys/Alcoholica - Sprog/Genital Grinder
The Lost Boys/Alcoholica - Spaz/toxic foetus eater
The Respectables - Duke
The Respectables - Tyrem
Unlimited Matricks - The Fate
Unlimited Matricks - Gunstick
Last edited on 11 Apr 2021 by ltk_tscc. See all edits
1 comment
External link contains logfile.