Bünzli 3 (1996) - Results

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                    BünZli #3 party - 1997. 01.

                    Swiss art party - full result

  Graphics competition

     1st  Naz / independent        Jeep-a-delic        PIC.PCX   63 Pt
     2nd  Nuker / DTR, Crux        Wizard         KAEL-FIN.ANS   48 Pt
          Triton / Crux            X-plosion       X-PLOSN.JPG   48 Pt
     4th  Guibrush / Saturnin      Black Rose         ROSE.IFF   38 Pt
     5th  Jobe / Crux              Goro              4ARM5.JPG   24 Pt

  Music competition:

     1st  Big Bear / Fake That     Corona         BB_CORON.XM   104 Pt
     2nd  Phred / Nowadays         Gromp             GROMP.S3M   81 Pt
     3rd  Moixa / TBF              Expedition       WEGOON.XM    34 Pt

                                                     by Furball