Baroque Floppy People 2013 - Results
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Baroque Floppy People 2013 Results
Amiga Demo competition
Digital Acid Sickans Fanclub 04.21
Amiga Graphics competition
1 Shroom With A View Grip / Senex 07.00
Amiga Music competition
1 BFP2013 Zabutom 06.C2
2 Honorable Agreement Wasp / Powerline 06.A6
3 BadderDanDem BurroBanton and Spot 06.60
4 Tropicana Marina Slash / Insane 05.95
5 Skaunedata Corpsicle 04.E8
C64 Demo competition
1 Wonderland XII Censor Design 08.E3
2 Scrollwars Fairlight and Offence and Prosonix 07.F1
3 20 Years Is Nothing Hack'n'Trade 06.D8
4 Solaris Triad 05.F8
5 Too Hot To Trot Arsenic 05.CB
6 Live In Mokba Panda Lovers 03.00
C64 Graphics competition
1 The West Is Not Too Wild Yazoo / Arsenic ^ Censor 07.AD
2 Fearless Sphinx / Arsenic 07.9E
3 Skal Acid Terrorist / Hack'n'Trade 06.08
4 10 MAKE FIRE:20 GOTO 10 Grip 05.72
5 Sheeta ekg / Desire 05.09
6 Jucke Mindcooler / Sys5 05.00
7 Vilken Dum Bild Max Levin 03.62
C64 Music competition
1 Da Cheese Cut Scarzix 07.5E
2 Alice in Wonderland Magnar 07.24
3 Frozen Yoghurt Qdor 07.14
4 Saturday Night Beaver Fegolhuzz 06.B1
5 Gremlinfunk Stinsen / Genesis Project 06.A4
6 Helsingborg Uprising! Devia / Sidwave 06.51
7 The Rage Corpsicle 05.DD
8 Citroen Xantia 98 X-Jammer 05.B8
9 Skovballe Hangover ZZAP69 04.F6
10 Iopop is Awesome! Max Levin 04.9E
11 Second Try Slash / Insane 03.A7
results retrieved by staff from on 2013-12-24