Syntax 2013 - Results
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Melbourne, Australia
9th - 10th November, 2013
Newskool Graphics
#1 - Singing Rock from Malta - Animal Bro of Pas Mas (33)
#2 - ENTER DH - Jimage (28)
#1 - Syntax Master Sword - Sylvao (61)
#2 - Syntax 2013 - dent (60)
#3 - Nerve - Zorke of Nerve Artgroup (52)
#4 - Ansilove - Cleaner (40)
#5 - syntax - Lachy of CygnusOz (39)
Oldskool Graphics
#1 - Hideout - CONS of Onslaught (67)
#2 - PSYBOARFUNK - iLKke of RGCD (65)
#3 - An eye for an eye - Wackee of Arise (54)
#4 - Great Crested Grebe - Grip of Senex (51)
#5 - Square-Fractal - Shine of Delysid (50)
Legend of Syntax - Aday (50)
#6 - Ehhh Beer - cTrix of Disaster Area (46)
#7 - Syntax entry disk - sh0ck of Disaster Area (29)
16 Second Music
#1 - Death By Marshall - cTrix of Disaster Area (90)
#2 - Jack that body - Wackee of Arise (86)
#3 - Badman - Calavera (79)
#4 - Hi Tec Hunter - Daniel (78)
#5 - Bottleneck - Aday (71)
#6 - 16 Seconds of Fame - G-Fellow of Code7 (69)
#7 - That Day ,,! - EXPERT2015 (48)
Tracked Music
#1 - Juants1 - Zer0 (85)
#2 - Check Your Bass Bins - cTrix of Disaster Area (82)
#3 - Soma - Vectrex (70)
#4 - In Search of Truth - EXPERT2015 (52)
#5 - Is Cold - EXPERT2015 (46)
Chip Music
#1 - Megadrive Tek Jam - cTrix of Disaster Area (80)
#2 - Slackjaw - iLKke of RGCD (74)
#3 - p48 oppression fighter - A Life in Hell of Duck and Chicken (73)
Wild Demo
#1 - yet another live coding sistema - fugue (84)
#2 - Browser House - cTrix of Disaster Area (82)
#3 - LaunchPad Scrollers - Squeakyneb (75)
#4 - Vandalism News #60 - Onslaught & Wrath Designs (74)
#5 - Hawthorn Hackerspace - Surge (71)
#6 - In spite of everything I shall rise again - Nosfe of MFX (43)
#7 - LOUDEHR - Jimage (38)
Newskool Demo
#1 - Juggler by The Tremendous Trio (76)
#2 - Reptilian Core - Pas Mas (75)
#3 - O.M.B cracktro no.2 - mudlord and Adam of Onslaught (74)
#4 - Twidark - Jimage (61)
Oldskool Demo
#1 - Soy un Delincuente - Onslaught (110)
#2 - Roller Scroller - Defame & Onslaught (77)
Syntax Party Crew would like to say thanks for coming, especially people making
the interstate or international journey! We hope to see you all next year, the
event will be back, bigger and badder than ever before - with your support!
November 2014 - place it in your diary, at this stage it looks like we might
line up Syntax 2014 the week after AusPAX which would mean Friday November 7th
to Sunday November 9th.
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