Alternative Party 2013 - Results
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Alternative Party 2013 - Hospital
18-20.10.2013 Helsinki
ICU Rave Music
1st 118 Trust me I am Doctor by Monolith Resistor
2nd 75 TehoC -osasto by Shiva Thrill
3rd 70 Zero Gravity by Teel
4th 50 Marko by Branch^the Royal Elite Ninjas inc.
4th 50 critters by cce
6th 47 Wubs And Caobel by grejppi
7th 27 Capsid by Astrovirus
Healing Music
1st 237 Vasemman aivopuoliskon halvaus by Bass Cadet
2nd 212 Lääkkeet by J.Kaartinen
3rd 140 Do not resuscitate by T-101 / Darklite
4th 130 Iloisesti Kivitetty by trilobit^pwp^nalleperhe^dekadence
5th 122 Sines! by Wing
6th 62 Waking Room by peija
7th 45 Song of Ant by Laserboy + Hot Multimedia
8th 44 end phasis by kaapo^ekspert
9th 34 deux by windytan
Digital Graphics
1st 356 Lihatohtori by ilesj
2nd 355 Middle East Express by Darkki / Tekotuotanto
3rd 187 Android girl by Kitai
4th 80 ALTbulance by DiamonDie
5th 48 It's the night time that matters by Sade^Queer Conspiracy
Analog Graphics
1st 238 Party People by Mirna
2nd 237 Buffer Overflow by Instanssi-Surgeons
4th 174 Kenttäsairaalavuoro alkamassa by Terwiz / Alumni
5th 94 now you can build a nosfe clone army by nosfe
Alternative Combined Demo
1st 318 Enkaustik by Mirage
2nd 301 id by cubicle
3rd 173 NEDERLAND by blam, kurli, uncle
4th 111 PILOT/A by Peisik
5th 73 Terapiademoni by Hallu Hutuntekijä & Hyvä Hieronta ^iSO
6th 45 nailusator by f
7th 36 Mangareva by the Royal Elite Ninjas inc.
8th 33 Albulance by The Alberts
9th 31 Amursk-invitation by Caranbola Pyre feat. Byterapers
64k Combined
1st 388 Atsarias by Lieves!Tuore
2nd 343 Human Mind +5 by Hackers + LHB
3rd 216 blue fusion by sensenstahl
4th 87 KAAL +6 Trainer by npli
5th 66 Alkuperäinen ammattirikollinen by Pants^2
6th 21 Albulance by The Alberts
Beginner Demo
1st 426 Puvut by jammi ainu frank_one
2nd 374 Healing Visuals by Paraguay
3rd 232 Instanssi 2014 Invtro by Instanssi-Surgeons
4th 94 Päihteiden syytä kaikki by ISO
5th 38 Paskaa paketissa by Hoboman, Kiimaiset Sanansaattajat
6th 33 Puimuri by ISO
1st 407 Bontempi House by Little Bitchard
2nd 240 laser life by sooda & tkln
3rd 187 Täsmäohjattava ihmerohto/Barbababa simulaattori by ARno
4th 126 Häpeämätön by DiamonDie
5th 85 Extinguish all human hope from my soul by nosfe
Party Photo
1st 283 Baby transport allowed at AltParty by T-101 / Darklite
2nd 235 worryingly too normal sleeping position by lempeä hieronta kaskelotille kertaa neljä / iSO
3rd 144 There's A Weenie At The End Of Every Partygrill by b0n / Primitive
4th 141 Swiss Nurse by Terwiz / Alumni
5th 62 superfunpartynighttime by nosfe
6th 47 I live among the creatures of the night by Sade^Queer Conspiracy