Computer's Hell 1999 - Results
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Lost Brain, Dejuhra, Diabolo, Demona, Murphy, Punica, Brainstorm, Braindeath, Zealot, Checky, Faayd, Catweazle 6510, Dizzy Devil, Snoopy, Jessica, der Hecht, Nikolei, Tobias
Basic alives - Sanity
PC64 - Lost Brain
Stupid Talk - Lost Brain
Fake `99 - Satovia
JokeBlocky - Dejuhra
Lutscher - Catweazle and Lost Brain
BERLIN - the demo - Rum Posse Hemdbach
That was all for the year 1999. We weren`t able to code the whole time (nobody came to party with a pre-created demo), so we "only" had to be happy with this stuff. Why no ranks?? Mh, would sound a bit unbelieveable, but we simply forgot it, nobody really wanted to have ranks. So we left it out...
[from html to text by menace 2014-06-01]