Edit history for BCC Party 2014

2021-10-20 15:45:12 Brittle Added C64 Club Berlin as organiser of BCC Party 2014
2021-10-20 15:45:01 Brittle Added Thunder.Bird as organiser of BCC Party 2014
2021-10-20 15:44:54 Brittle Added TheRyk as organiser of BCC Party 2014
2021-10-20 15:44:47 Brittle Added hoeppie as organiser of BCC Party 2014
2021-10-20 15:44:24 Brittle Set tagline to '#8: Beer Crate Clear Party'
2017-10-12 07:38:43 ltk_tscc Set start date to 21 February 2014, end date to 23 February 2014, tagline to '#8'
2017-02-26 09:22:25 ltk_tscc Set invitations to BCC#8 Invitro (Wind behind Projector Screen)
2016-03-05 12:50:06 ltk_tscc Set tagline to '8'
2014-03-28 13:20:20 menace Edited notes
2014-03-11 05:46:03 menace Updated link https://www.scene.org/dir.php?dir=/parties/2014/bccparty14/
2014-03-10 05:50:20 menace Added link https://www.scene.org/newfiles.php?dayint=7&dir=/parties/2014/bccparty14/
2014-03-04 09:11:33 menace Added competition None
2014-03-04 09:10:13 menace Added competition C64 Graphics
2014-03-04 09:09:17 menace Added competition C64 Music
2014-03-04 09:08:23 menace Added competition C64 Demo
2014-03-04 09:04:59 menace Edited notes
2014-03-04 08:53:12 menace Added link http://www.facebook.com/events/629780683737407
2014-03-04 08:15:39 menace Edited notes
2014-03-04 08:13:10 menace Added link http://noname.c64.org/csdb/event/?id=2159
2014-03-04 08:12:19 menace Edited notes
2014-03-04 08:11:49 menace Added party 'BCC Party 2014'