Silly Venture 2014 - Results
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__\_________ \_ | / | / | \/ / - 2014 ----------.
___\ \/ / | _/ | _/ | / / .5th-7th December |
\ \____________/____|_________|_________|_ _/ / gdansk / poland.!
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! X \ /. multi-atari scenes united! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. .
`--- \/ --------------------------------------------------------------+-
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\ \\ \\ ATARI 2600 DEMO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 02 340 pt Ascend .................... Cluster & DMA germany
02 01 169 pt Worst resolution ever ..... Coine sweden
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\ \\ \\ ATARI LYNX DEMO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
xx 01 xxx pt Slideshow256 .............. Bitman france
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\ \\ \\ C-64 DEMO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
xx xx xxx pt Call of DOTY 2014 ......... Onslaught germany
& Arsenic
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\ \\ \\ ATARI XL/XE GTIA / 1-BIT MSX COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 06 651 pt Flying Microbits .......... Jakub Husak poland
02 03 569 pt The Night Dancer .......... Mister Beep poland
03 05 517 pt Hyperdrive ................ Irrlicht Project germany
04 02 511 pt Dark Matter Trap .......... Mister Beep poland
05 07 426 pt Incantation ............... Garvalf france
06 04 317 pt Lemon Chicken ............. Jethro Atherall england
07 01 309 pt Reveries et Souvenirs ..... Garvalf france
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pos id points title author country
01 07 888 pt The Third ................. XTD poland
02 08 781 pt GD Airport Doesn't Like ... LiSu england
03 02 725 pt Destiny ................... stRing poland
04 05 627 pt My Fault .................. Gaetano Chiummo italy
05 01 621 pt Back In Time .............. stRing poland
06 04 605 pt The Lost Bytes ............ Wieczor poland
07 06 547 pt Selftest Terror............ V0yager poland
08 03 438 pt Back From Fractalis ....... Triace germany
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\ \\ \\ ATARI XL/XE GFX COMPO \\ \\ \
\_\\____\\_______________________________________________________/ \___/ \/
pos id points title author country
01 14 973 pt I came here to destroy .... Odyn1ec poland
02 05 867 pt Jaggi ..................... Piesiu poland
03 16 846 pt Transmission .............. Ripek poland
04 19 825 pt Viking Z .................. Ooz poland
05 11 807 pt Scary ..................... Rocky poland
06 08 788 pt Peace ..................... Rocky poland
07 07 738 pt Diver ..................... Rocky poland
08 04 719 pt Sorcery ................... Blasph poland
09 18 713 pt Ka-Ri ..................... Ooz poland
10 09 700 pt Postcard .................. Rocky poland
11 03 673 pt My Toy .................... Blasph poland
12 02 635 pt Guardian .................. Blasph poland
13 06 611 pt APP Clown ................. Rocky poland
14 17 590 pt Pleasure .................. Klaus poland
15 12 577 pt ST vs STe ................. Rocky poland
16 15 566 pt Padme ..................... Ming poland
17 10 554 pt Rombart ................... Rocky poland
18 01 533 pt Biba ...................... Blasph poland
19 13 427 pt Atari ..................... TeBe poland
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\ \\ \\ ATARI XL/XE 256B INTRO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 02 834 pt Dither ................... g0blinish russia
02 01 674 pt Wavy ..................... F#READY the netherlands
03 03 671 pt Stripes .................. g0blinish russia
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\ \\ \\ ATARI XL/XE 16KB INTRO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 03 959 pt DwaDe .................... Agenda poland
02 04 926 pt Firstie .................. g0blinish russia
03 05 604 pt The Lost Bytes ........... F#READY the netherlands
04 02 585 pt Torch 1kb ................ Koala poland
05 01 481 pt Lotharek Dance ........... Koala poland
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\ \\ \\ ATARI XL/XE DEMO COMPO \\ \\ \
\_\\____\\_______________________________________________________/ \___/ \/
pos id points title author country
01 04 1037 pt CyberPunk ............... Lamers poland
02 05 1029 pt Near .................... Agenda poland
03 03 800 pt Undesigned .............. MEC poland
04 02 523 pt Vantage Point ........... Dream Design poland
xx 01 xxxx pt AD:6502 (Arsantica 2) ... Desire germany
Due to the unexpected problems with running an entry
"AD:6502 - Arsantica 2" by Desire (germany) on the
original hardware, and lack of DiVX file to show it
the other way - we've decided to cancel voting for
this entry.
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\ \\ \\ ATARI XL/XE VBXE GFX COMPO \\ \\ \
\_\\____\\_______________________________________________________/ \___/ \/
pos id points title author country
01 04 930 pt Wanderer .................. Jok poland
02 01 875 pt Kostucha .................. Joulo poland
03 02 470 pt Compo-Fillet .............. Yerzmyey poland
04 03 430 pt Sea Devil ................. Hellen poland
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\ \\ \\ ATARI ST/STE YM2149 MUSIC COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 02 867 pt Bullet Sequence .......... !cube finland
02 06 789 pt Starlight ................ MCH poland
03 04 707 pt EIZ @ Work ............... Eiz germany
04 05 677 pt Perfect Squared Circle ... Jakub Husak poland
05 08 637 pt Wings Of Life ............ Xrwwr the netherlands
06 03 608 pt Dentro ................... Xrwwr the netherlands
07 01 465 pt Cartridge Generation ..... V0yager poland
xx 07 xxx pt one chip-tune has been postponed for the other party due
to the bad replay.
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pos id points title author country
01 01 570 pt Psychoza ................. LIV poland
02 02 488 pt Tamten Taniec ............ Argasek poland
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\ \\ \\ ATARI ST/STE GFX COMPO \\ \\ \
\_\\____\\_______________________________________________________/ \___/ \/
pos id points title author country
01 08 766 pt Emissary ................. Piesiu poland
02 09 738 pt WTF!!! ................... Ukko france
03 06 665 pt Wooof .................... Samurai germany
04 05 661 pt Don't worship the ashes .. mOdmate germany
05 10 612 pt Albert ................... Samurai germany
06 04 604 pt Atari City ............... Exocet france
07 03 602 pt Pathfinder ............... Pikku Myy poland
08 07 586 pt Yanartas ................. Jok poland
09 01 458 pt Batman ................... Hospes poland
10 02 392 pt Ma(n)chine ............... STS france
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pos id points title author country
01 02 531 pt Thunder-Boot ............. Lsl germany
02 01 374 pt SPKRboot ................. Wietze the netherlands
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\ \\ \\ ATARI ST/STE 4KB INTRO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
xx 02 xxx pt Nebenprodukt ............. Checkpoint germany
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\ \\ \\ ATARI ST/STE 96KB INTRO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 03 604 pt Lots Of Dots ............. Acid Maker poland
02 05 496 pt Unbeatable ............... MEC poland
03 02 390 pt Industrial Safe Disk 35 .. Effect england
04 01 377 pt Industrial Safe Disk 31 .. Effect england
05 04 271 pt Oh God ................... Inter Development germany
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\ \\ \\ ATARI ST/STE DEMO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 06 584 pt Thunderdome .............. Checkpoint germany
02 02 566 pt Takeover ................. Lamers poland
03 05 428 pt Yanartas ................. Checkpoint the netherlands
04 03 340 pt Lovetro .................. Paradize france
05 01 311 pt Industrial Safe Disk 36 .. Effect england
06 04 194 pt Saboteas ................. Paradox germany
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\ \\ \\ ATARI FALCON MSX COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 02 555 pt Catching The Time ........ Wieczor poland
02 05 554 pt Return of hard noise ..... xFalcon germany
03 04 544 pt Pimp My Fuji ............. V0yager poland
04 03 536 pt Discologie ............... Jakub Husak poland
05 01 503 pt Brutal Attack ............ Tfardy^Yerzmyey poland
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\ \\ \\ ATARI FALCON GFX COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
xx 01 xxx pt Satine XIII - My light ... Butter poland
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\ \\ \\ ATARI FALCON 030 / 060 DEMO COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 02 812 pt Tere Ra'i ......... (f030) Dune^CV^Sector1 france
02 04 698 pt Unexpected Fun .... (f060) Orion_ france
03 03 679 pt Payback ........... (f060) Dekadance finland
04 01 467 pt Old Stuff ......... (f030) Extream finland
xx xx xxx pt Rift .............. (f060) TBL sweden
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pos id points title author country
xx xx xxx pt Hero30fps ................ VladR Czech
note: sent too late (on saturday's evening)
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pos id points title author country
01 07 584 pt Racer 2 .................. Dune (f030) france
02 06 555 pt TyrQuake ................. Mikro (f060) slovakia
05 555 pt BadMood .................. DML (f030) england
03 03 548 pt Strom Lord ............... KK (a2600) poland
04 02 479 pt Dizzy .................... Paw (XL/XE) poland
05 04 466 pt UnHeart .................. MEC (ST/STe) poland
06 01 457 pt The Great Return of ...... Larek (XL/XE) poland
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\ \\ \\ WILD COMPO \\ \\ \
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pos id points title author country
01 05 223 pt SV2k13 in 2000 pics ...... LiSu (video) england
02 11 218 pt Duch ............. (intro) Lamers (XL/XE) poland
03 03 196 pt Bizarre Creature . (music) Yerzmyey (midi) poland
04 01 193 pt 0913 ........ (music disk) LIVE! (ST/STe) france
05 02 179 pt Globular Cluster . (music) Yerzmyey (midi) poland
06 12 139 pt TOMEK-8 ........... (demo) Nosty (XL/XE) poland
07 10 135 pt GoTo ............. (intro) Mr. Wolf (XL/XE) poland
08 06 117 pt Moon is shining .. (photo) AdamK (viewer) poland
09 14 112 pt Pan Gruszka ...... (intro) TRS (XL/XE) poland
10 04 105 pt Actual in game ....(photo) Mankeli (viewer) finland
11 13 089 pt Duchoskoczek ... (HW test) TDC (XL/XE) poland
12 08 082 pt Hello Cambridge .......... Felice (video) england
13 07 058 pt This makes me .... (photo) Felice (viewer) england
14 09 043 pt Rasero kupuje ...... (MP3) Rasero (player) poland
Special thanks to Grzybson and Wieczor for counting the votes !