Edit history for Stream 2014

2024-10-17 00:06:16 Solarius Added Solarius as organiser of Stream 2014
2021-01-07 14:33:56 menace Edited notes
2021-01-07 14:33:32 menace Edited notes
2021-01-07 14:33:14 menace Edited notes
2014-05-21 07:48:01 menace Added link http://artcity.bitfellas.org/index.php?a=search&text=stream,2014&type=tag
2014-05-21 04:55:35 H7 Edited notes
2014-05-20 06:52:37 T-101 Edited notes
2014-05-20 06:51:43 T-101 Set tagline to 'Stream Ten'
2014-05-20 05:36:05 H7 Added competition Decathlon (C64)
2014-05-20 05:33:10 H7 Added competition Dance Music
2014-05-20 05:28:31 H7 Added competition High-end demo
2014-05-20 05:27:12 H7 Added competition Low-end demo
2014-05-20 05:25:01 H7 Added competition Tiny intro
2014-05-20 05:24:16 H7 Added competition Oldschool demo
2014-05-20 05:20:28 H7 Added competition Video / Animation
2014-05-20 05:17:46 H7 Added competition Graphics competition
2014-05-20 05:17:44 menace Edited notes
2014-05-20 05:17:18 menace Added link https://www.scene.org/dir.php?dir=/parties/2014/stream14/
2014-05-20 05:15:34 H7 Added competition Textmode graphics
2014-05-20 05:11:53 H7 Added competition Listening music
2014-05-20 05:01:02 H7 Added competition Photo competition
2014-03-18 19:44:38 menace Added link http://www.demoparty.net/stream10-2014/
2014-03-18 12:30:51 T-101 Set tagline to 'Stream X', website to http://www.streamparty.org/
2014-03-18 12:30:15 menace Edited notes
2014-03-18 12:26:50 menace Added party 'Stream 2014'