Demosplash 2015 - Results

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                                  November 6-7
                       Carnegie Mellon University Campus
                               Pittsburgh, PA USA

                            * COMPETITION  RESULTS *

|Modern Demo|
1. 91pts koma::[sutra] (4k windows) - RiFT
2. 73pts radio silence (windows) - neurotica e.f.s
3. 71pts The Future Is Yesterday (windows/linux/bsd) - GreaseMonkey
4. 71pts Faux Processing (windows) - Bon^2
5. 64pts Light Is Strange (4k windows) - Eos
6. 54pts Disco (windows) - g0blinish

|Retro Demo|
1. 87pts blash (DOS) - b-state
2. 82pts Reloaded (Atari 8-bit) - g0blinish
3. 67pts Amoeba (DOS) - DESiRE
4. 60pts Xenos [ lurker in the box ] (DOS) - sensenstahl

|Freestyle Graphics|
1. 80pts Impact I: flood - the Obsessed Maniacs
2. 76pts Spaceport  - Dark Diversity
3. 73pts Deep Trouble - Eos
4. 63pts DS 2015 (c64 executable) - TiTAN
5. 51pts Screamer (c64 koala) - PIK OG FISSE

|Freestyle ANSI/ASCII|
1. 97pts NO SIGNAL - A Halloween Tale - Luciano Ayres / Blocktronics
2. 94pts Original Destiny Character Concept - TCF / Blocktronics, ACiD
3. 80pts ju-radar.ans, ju-rotator.ans, ju-journey escape.ans - judas / blocktronics
4. 80pts BLOCTOPUS - Misfit / ACiD/Blocktronics
5. 76pts Fire tribute - filth b7 / blocktronics
6. 56pts Can you explain to me now, how you're so evil, how? - TCF / Blocktronics, ACiD

|Freestyle Audio|
1. 75pts Birds of steam - uctumi
2. 72pts Opposites Attract - animehaus
3. 65pts Secret Of The Northern Shores - SunSpire / Eos
4. 65pts Martian Dust - deep
5. 55pts Kildin - krotan

** Exercising organizers' discretion, ties in several categories were broken by
** relative preference of the organizers.  These did not occur above third place
** and therefore did not affect prizes awarded.