Codecraft 2001 - Results
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For each category you had to vote for your three favourite entries. For every vote the first place was given 3 points, the second 2 and the third 1 point.
We received 29 valid votes, giving the following results.
1k Game and Demo
1st Place 31pts shine by Tom Thorne
2nd Place 29pts PinsInSpace by Pervect/Topix
3rd Place 20pts Demo6401 by Icebird and Topix
2k Tool
1st Place 39pts reBASIC by GUS
39pts booter by Jeffrey Lee
2nd Place 32pts brainf by baah/ARM'sTech
3rd Place 24pts CopyMore by GUS
4k Game and Demo
1st Place 69pts blunt by pt/DFI
2nd Place 53pts 4kbt by Exoticorn/Icebird
3rd Place 52pts vox4kdemo by Jeffrey Lee
Not to forget the ranax entry by Gordon Munro in the 4kb music category. Unfortunately there were no more entries... Thanks to all the Codecraftsmen who contributed to this CodeCraft!
1k Demo/Game entries author date size file
Demo6401 - dedicated to Address Exception Topix&Icebird 2001/08/31 10k get info
PinsInSpace - 1k desktop fx Pervect/Topix 2001/08/31 18k get info
shine - nice 1k fx Tom Thorne 2001/07/21 6k get info
boing - 1k entry baah/ARM'sTech 2001/06/15 3049 get info
BinFlare - 1k entry Armoric/ARM'sTech 2001/06/11 21k get info
ASphere - rotating Kümmel 2001/06/08 20k get info
Sort1k - sort algorithms, graphical NoMercy 2001/06/08 1451 get info
linetic - Worms like 1k game Gordon Munro 2001/06/08 8k get info
lyt - 1k desktop demo (updated) Jeffrey Lee 2001/06/08 7k get info
rmccdemo - 1k demo Richard Murray 2001/04/29 21k get info
SillyGame - silly basic game Steve Revill 2001/01/15 930 get info
Bilizo - first entry! cc3 invitation 1k-tro Kümmel 2001/01/09 11k get info
2k Tool entries author date size file
brainf - 1k entry baah/ARM'sTech 2001/06/14 8k get info
booter - load all your !Sprites (updated) Jeffrey Lee 2001/06/08 2354 get info
blanka - use demos as screensaver Gordon Munro 2001/02/07 6k get info
reBASIC - find hidden BASIC programms GUS 2001/01/26 4k get info
CopyMove - swaps Copy and Move in Filer GUS 2001/01/26 5k get info
4k Demo/Game entries author date size file
4kbt - 4 kilobyte mit bild und ton Exoticorn/Icebird 2001/08/31 4k get info
vox4kdemo - 4k voxelspace Jeffrey Lee 2001/08/29 18k get info
blunt - 4k intro PT 2001/08/28 20k get info
4k Executable Music entries author date size file
ranax - 2554 byte music collection Gordon Munro 2001/08/31 5k get info
grabbed from by staff on 2014-09-20