SMS Power Anniversary Coding Compo 2016 (a) - Results
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1 Bara Buru by Kagesan 8.57
2 Be No Sqr by psidum, Sim and Slimeball 8.48
3 CIMMERiAN by ichigobankai 8.24
4 Monkey Lad by efry, Niloct and surt 7.80
5 Swabby by hang-on 7.00
6 MARKanoIIId by sverx, Kagesan and TomyS 6.41
7 Weka Invaders by Disjointed Studio 6.111
8 Master of the Labyrinth by Pedro76 6.105
9 DataStorm by haroldoop 6.06
10 Acid Reflux by furrtek, robotwo 5.86
11 3D City by SteveProXNA 5.73
12 Twin Maze by haroldoop 5.25
13 Cix by PkK 5.13
14 Cye by PkK 4.87
15 Schlange CV by PkK 4.56
16 Music by PkK 3.92
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