Edit history for Gubbdata 2017

2021-02-22 10:06:24 hedning Added hedning as organiser of Gubbdata 2017
2021-02-22 10:06:15 hedning Added Genesis Project as organiser of Gubbdata 2017
2017-07-10 10:54:44 hedning Set start date to 30 June 2017, end date to 2 July 2017, location to Lund, Lunds Kommun, Skåne, Sweden
2017-07-03 15:41:40 tomaes Set releases to Dreadnought, GubbdataAirwolf, Stranded, Favourites
2017-07-03 15:40:06 tomaes Set releases to Dreadnought, Stranded, GubbdataAirwolf
2017-07-03 15:38:52 tomaes Set releases to Stranded, Dreadnought
2017-07-03 09:52:57 PrincessLuna Added link http://gubbdata.se/
2017-07-03 09:52:42 PrincessLuna Added link http://gubbdata.se/downloads/gubbdata2017/Gubbdata2017Releases.zip
2017-07-03 03:55:33 menace Added link https://files.scene.org/browse/parties/2017/gubbdata17/
2017-07-02 21:35:38 PrincessLuna Added competition Out of Compo
2017-07-02 19:38:54 ltk_tscc Added competition C64 Demo
2017-07-02 19:32:48 ltk_tscc Added competition C64 Graphics
2017-07-02 19:29:39 ltk_tscc Added competition C64 PETSCII
2017-07-02 19:23:19 ltk_tscc Added competition C64 Music
2017-07-02 19:18:04 ltk_tscc Added competition Amiga Demo
2017-07-02 19:15:12 ltk_tscc Added competition Other Platform Demo
2017-07-02 19:13:26 ltk_tscc Added competition Other Platform Graphics
2017-07-02 10:57:42 ltk_tscc Added competition Other Music
2017-07-02 09:42:26 tomaes Set releases to Stranded
2017-06-18 10:43:33 hedning Added link http://noname.c64.org/csdb/event/?id=2587
2017-05-08 06:50:22 menace Edited notes
2017-05-08 06:39:02 menace Set invitations to Gubbdata 2017 Invite
2017-04-21 11:34:30 menace Edited notes
2017-04-21 11:33:45 menace Added link http://www.demoparty.net/gubbdata2017/
2017-04-16 11:53:09 hedning Added party 'Gubbdata 2017'