Chaos Constructions 2006 - Results
Back to party
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: : Chaos Constructions 2006 : :
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`._\ official results v1.1 /_.'
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# Title author # pts
_\ Graphics - FreeStyle /_______________________________________________________
1 Istra river Dreamcatcher 12 6,33
2 Petit Shaperon Rouge Sprvision 8 6,158
3 Стрекоза [Dragongfly] BZh/GoblinZ 7 5,984
4 Tomb Cate Archer 9 5,756
5 Бабочка [Butterfly] BZh/GoblinZ 11 5,581
6 Suicide sol.dat/Cactus 19 5,532
7 Frozen frog/CC'2006 orgteam 10 5,314
8 Залог Успеха [Key to the success] (e)not 13 5,248
9 GreenPlanet CybeREX/VeCTRONiX 14 5,236
10 Russian field Dreamcatcher 1 5,154
11 Waves agnostik 17 4,899
12 unattimo mega_sbjct 3 4,869
14 videopoesia mega_sbjct 2 4,654
15 Поцелуй [Kiss] agnostik 16 4,367
16 Sky Mind Cate Archer 6 4,333
17 Toys Are Us? diver/4d 5 4,008
18 girlfriend Zombie/ENstudio 4 3,93
19 Air Plane sol.dat/Cactus 18 3,902
_\ Graphics - Ascii /__________________________________________________________
1 RAGE -0xeL-/ZeitNot 6 5,688
2 RE2 _nf/ReBirth^ZeitNot 7 5,654
3 Mensch, du haftst fur die Erde -0xeL-/ZeitNot 3 5,238
4 State Of The Art olly_bfox/CC'2006 orgteam 4 5,194
5 BLiND / but still alive _nf/ReBirth^ZeitNot 5 5,007
6 Welcome _nf/ReBirth^ZN & -0xeL-/ZN 1 4,844
7 Chaos Constructions c-jeff/mimic 8 4,346
8 ElectroGodzilla And Pink Socks diver/4d 2 3,626
_\ Music - 32k exe /____________________________________________________________
1 July Icefall 2 5,676
2 Motion in Weightlessnesse Slash_AtD/DeMarche 1 5,315
3 Times Slash_AtD/DeMarche 3 5,179
4 Lost Dream III BiTL/7dUMP 4 5,1
_\ Graphics - Handdrawn /______________________________________________________
1 Nature is BACK! Lynx Vulgaris/Crolyx^uSSSr 11 7,117
2 Ash Merlin/Nevosoft 5 6,805
3 CC-2076: scene not dead. Lynx Vulgaris/Crolyx^uSSSr 17 6,553
4 District_Oz raynoa/uSSSr 13 6,007
5 Winds Of Spring Shumnaya 9 5,936
6 To turn to foam Jelena Katkova 12 5,855
7 Eva-01 Merlin/Nevosoft 10 5,809
8 Zoldat l-graph/tPA 14 5,773
9 Passion Cate Archer 7 5,709
10 Vaterland l-graph/tPA 16 5,706
11 Gold-Digger kox/Binary Life 15 5,415
12 bornondastreet sand/mayHem 8 5,159
13 Unknown entry 18 5
14 I miss Cate Archer 6 4,766
15 Питер здесь [Piter is here] bigtime 3 4,36
16 ЗАБОР [Fence] Zombie/ENstudio 4 4,125
17 Cracked World Tukaram 2 4,049
18 Игра [Game] foxychild 1 3,622
_\ 8-bit - ZX Spectrum Graphics /_______________________________________________
1 A to! Surfinbird 11 6,941
2 Where rion 8 6,358
3 Kiwi KACuk/Sinclair Club 12 6,292
4 Мы с тобой одной крови L i z a 5 6,243
[We are of one blood]
5 Alone Again diver/4d 10 6,212
6 math teacher moroz1999 14 5,819
7 Pragmatic_Period raynoa/uSSSr 4 5,722
8 Kind Wizard moroz1999 13 5,628
9 Dead cities promo Surfinbird 3 5,486
10 Swastika tiboh/debris 9 5,269
11 verge moran/CPU 7 5,236
12 needLE$ newart/n-discovery 1 5,115
13 two's company moran/CPU 6 4,66
14 mf scalesmann/Marching Cats 2 4,135
_\ Graphics - Photo (digital photography) /_____________________________________
1 Байки юного рыбака mosyagin/NORDANCE 14 6,574
[Young fisherman tales]
2 Сopper butterfly Dreamcatcher 10 6,285
3 islet moran/CPU 18 6,271
4 Stop sol.dat/Cactus 3 6,248
5 Dreams with the Ghosts Yasen 13 6,22
6 Finnish Brothers frog/CC'2006 orgteam 17 6
7 THINK kruff 16 5,901
8 Morning Cate Archer 20 5,855
9 Don`t stop now Petrushova 12 5,837
10 lizard on glass De Nada/Nowt Noxious 6 5,8
11 Весенняя ампутация [Spring amputation] LS 19 5,664
12 City tiny 8 5,536
13 Золотое озеро [Golden Lake] Macik/M&M`s 2 5,216
14 Голуби [Pigeons] Chernyakov Alexander 5 5,16
15 Old Bark Paro 4 4,888
16 love from childhood Dreamcatcher 11 4,797
17 Город [City] riddle 7 4,664
18 Lost midday Yasen 15 4,521
19 Window svetats 9 4,484
20 Mist sol.dat/Cactus 1 3,944
_\ Music - MP3 /________________________________________________________________
1 Sunrise Inarus^FMA 4 5,943
2 Evolution Arnorm/Ushan-Pushan 2 5,776
3 Quintet Attack Sensiva 8 5,442
4 Out Neophyt 3 5,226
5 There, where we one DeAlien 5 5,117
6 Foxy Soul Jazz BiTL/7dUMP 6 5,08
7 Return 2 Space JS Madcap 7 5,063
8 See on De Nada/Nowt Noxious 1 4,533
_\ Short film and animation (Wild) /____________________________________________
1 Не Сводите с Ума Хамелеонов Natasha 3 7,182
[Don't drive chameleons mad]
2 Breathe without America woody/it-forge 7 6,768
3 second wind Magnetik/CPU 5 6,551
4 Vita praesena Smolkin 1 5,145
5 User Support CHRV/NedoPC 9 5,101
6 liza mega_sbjct 6 4,542
7 Intro? tbdbj/G-IntInd 8 4,532
8 QuakeAnimatrix Zombie/ENstudio 10 4,362
9 Смайлик [Smile emoticon] BZh/GoblinZ 2 4,135
10 Yesterday Sputnik 13 4,08
11 nermind moran/CPU 4 3,959
12 dead_city afx237_v7 11 3,861
13 Белый пепел [White ash] Slip/Action 12 3,76
_\ Graphics - Logo (scene group logos) /_______________________________________
1 Chaos Energy Group logo iz0/Chaos Energy Group 9 5,521
2 team Power Amiga l-graph/tPA 5 5,455
3 Crolyx Logo Lynx Vulgaris/Crolyx^uSSSr 3 5,191
4 P4P_WORLD skeleton/PEACE4PEACE.COM 6 5,156
5 ENlogo Zombie/ENstudio 8 4,922
6 uSSSr logo raynoa/uSSSr & lordmx 4 4,742
7 Abhorus kraviz/Abchorus 1 4,5
8 P4PWEB skeleton/PEACE4PEACE.COM 7 4,368
9 Chipcult logo vj popov 10 4,361
10 Realm Of Illusion logo frog/CC'2006 orgteam 2 4,059
_\ Hack video /_________________________________________________________________
1 Exploiting Opie F0rtress Zero 9 5,857
2 Взлом Pickup.RU [Pickup.RU hack] kiska 2 5,842
3 Unknown entry 4 5,745
4 XSS-атака на SET-CMS 3.6 XT [AIRSG] 3 5,073
[XSS-attack on SET-CMS 3.6]
5 Cisco Bug Odergimiy/CyberHack 7 5,027
6 VDub: объединение видео с разной частотой aGGreSSor/team PowerAmiga 8 4,867
и потоками
[Vdub: merging video with different
framerate and streams]
7 Демонстрация запуска Mac OS X 10.4.3 ARMDN [49406][GDI] 1 4,35
на обычном PC в нативном виде
[Boot up demonstration of native
MacOS X 10.4.3 at usual PC]
8 Hack For Wrap Fenriz 6 3,933
9 Alt Linux Install Vmware Odergimiy/CyberHack 5 3,854
_\ Music - Сhiptune /___________________________________________________________
1 Bass imagination Paro 1 6,341
2 Der Letzte Sommertag ^kawai 6 6,105
3 Heximal Heaven BiTL/7dUMP 3 5,952
4 Life Visant 2 5,628
5 Choppi C-jeff 4 5,548
6 na severe karbofos/DrinkLovers^3UMF 5 5
6 What? tl/roti [Zcz] 7 5
_\ Combined - Game /____________________________________________________________
1 Mayhem - Pink Fire Mayhem 8 7,417
2 Ball Quest Alco 3 6,308
3 BioKriz Mayhem 9 5,619
4 MayhemProjex - Mekhn Mission MayhemProjex 7 5,608
5 Новый мир [New world] Slip/Action 6 5,077
6 Air_hokey dotz 5 4,692
7 sheeps dotz 4 4,538
8 кин-дза-дза [kin-dza-dza] kaban4eg 2 3,519
9 Масяня3d: Return to Aurora [Masyanya3d] kaban4eg 1 3,462
_\ 8-bit - ZX Spectrum Realtime Coding /________________________________________
1 No Signal newart/n-discovery 3 7,689
2 Live at CC6 elfh/CPU 4 5,03
3 uenk alff/CPU 2 4,13
4 dontCit! Zaycev Constantin 1 3,563
_\ PC Realtime - Music /________________________________________________________
1 Never Leave A Girl sergei-smirnov/WaveAccess 6 5,976
2 Попрыгаем ??? [Let's jump???] LAV/The SandS 4 5,867
3 Rain In Your Eyes surani/FMA 5 5,643
4 Ничего не слышу! [Don't hear anything!] Manwe/SandS 7 4,813
5 Аа! не успел [Aa! I'm not in time] UrieL 1 4,745
6 gibona tl/roti [Zcz] 2 4,362
7 Shit emotions with notebook Visant 3 3,957
_\ 8-bit - 512b intro /_________________________________________________________
1 the speaking flowers of happy tomorrow alff/CPU 1 6,778
2 Urbanic Ra7 6 6,222
3 Clouds hedj 5 4,59
4 isosurf lvd/mayHem 3 4,438
5 Multi Chaos trefi & tiboh 2 4,327
6 Point5 icabod/Raww Arse 4 4,262
_\ 8-bit - 640k demo /__________________________________________________________
1 cpu ducks you FAT BUSTERS/CPU 2 7,591
2 The miracle of you inward/CPU 1 7,343
3 ElectroGodzilla and Pink Socks Triebkraft & 4th Dimension 3 6,333
_\ 8-bit - ZX Spectrum Realtime Music /_________________________________________
1 Realtime Music by Me 4 CC'2006 MmcM/Sage Home Studio 6,5
2 Backup forever! n1k-o/skrju 6
3 Wonna sleep? Crash/RMC 4
_\ PC Realtime - Graphics /_____________________________________________________
1 купание коня [Horse bathing] himera 8 7,461
2 Brave Diver raynoa/usssr 5 7,456
3 chelusti Galka_Bird 2 6,296
4 Купание [bathing] Shumnaya 9 5,986
5 СТИХИЯ [Elements] Macik/M&M`s 4 5,963
6 Dolphin on the Beach Manwe/SandS 6 5,722
7 Thx,god! FieryRaptor 7 5,532
8 realtime_otdyh_na_wode koljanych 1 5,286
9 человек и акула в тихом-тихом море. Bart/Nowt Noxious 3 4,123
[man and the shark in the calm-calm sea.
10 Бурный поток [Rough stream] LostSoul 10 3,333
_\ 8-bit - ZX Spectrum AY Music /_______________________________________________
1 yuya got nkue n1k-o/skrju 4 6,121
2 Turtle of my head rkluch 5 6,061
3 emo ^kawai 6 5,97
4 Night of dancing cats scalesmann/Marching Cats 2 5,914
5 CrashCORE crash/rmc 7 5,906
6 Pomidor na dereve Ryurik/Drink Lovers 1 5,629
7 Funny Poc kyv/Triumph 3 5,441
8 Win Soul MmcM/Sage Home Studio 9 5,429
9 Heart Pain (Lyric Song) Silent/Delta/ 10 5,292
10 Essay S.A.V. 8 4,567
_\ 8-bit: ZX Spectrum Turbo Sound Music /_______________________________________
1 Banana Cucumber karbofos/DrinkLovers^3UMF 1 5,8
2 Phantasy _ch41ns4w_/DrinkLover'sCorp 2 5,345
3 The Night Splinter/Trinitrocode 3 5,207
4 moveryourass'moreandless' riskej_/simbols 6 5,158
5 autumn_rain olly_bfox/CC'2006 orgteam 5 4,885
6 kju'bical bore-more-tedium n1k-o/skrju & c-jeff/bw 4 4,778
_\ Graphics - Rendered /________________________________________________________
1 Resistance Is Futile RGhost/ 1 6,268
2 Relax pnd/transgenic 2 5,317
3 Подарок [Gift] DeAlien 3 4,425
4 Locomotive Force mammoth 5 4,111
5 Балоны [Ballons] Zombie/ENstudio 4 4,054
_\ Music - Multichannel Traditional (XM/IT/S3M/MOD) /___________________________
1 Other Winds Inarus^FMA 4 5,759
2 Holidays in SPB BiTL/7dUMP 2 5,569
3 Foggy September Oleg Dunaev 1 4,91
4 Golden West traymuss/addict 3 4,817
_\ Combined - Mobile /__________________________________________________________
1 Ginger The Fox Dyn 2 7,306
2 Digital Dance Report sat/Radiojam 4 5,429
3 GrayTown fay/Logvinenko 5 5,021
4 Mech Warrior 3D galead/HeroCraft Hitech 7 4,831
5 Sweet Home galead/HeroCraft Hitech 8 4,779
6 the Legend of Thule inckie/DaMN 3 4,735
7 Silicon Brains Group and SoftLand HaRe/Silicon Brains Group 1 4,687
8 Sky Arena 3D galead/HeroCraft Hitech 6 4,565
_\ Music - Multichannel Alternative (XM/IT/S3M/MOD) /___________________________
1 Don't run away SUBWAY/perforation 4 6,418
2 Erase You djkor/cornercut 3 5,767
3 Gallo Icefall 2 5,742
4 i love you makarych/perforation 1 5,391
_\ 8-bit - ZX Spectrum Realtime Graphics /______________________________________
1 Камень [Stone] KACuk/Sinclair Club 1 5,828
2 Light? In the darkness tronyx/MMCG 4 5,474
3 Dragon2 Shumnaya 3 5,323
4 Raynoa Cyberfish meets CC logo diver/4d 2 5,296
5 Diver rion 5 4,615
6 Underwater newart/n-discovery 6 4,549
_\ Photography made by visitors at the party place /____________________________
1 В наших глазах [In our eyes] Dreamcatcher 6 6,956
2 sleepman x_empty_dragon/t-error team 7 6,939
3 Frog Finger FF# x_empty_dragon/t-error team 4 6,395
4 Знакомство [Acquaintance] Zombie/ENstudio 16 6,091
5 the youngest party member yole 1 5,172
6 Good sleep Good day NoX 2 5,052
7 Russian superman x_empty_dragon/t-error team 8 4,982
8 James Bond Zombie/ENstudio 13 4,973
9 Chaos Constructions 2006 tiny 11 4,867
10 Realtime handdrawn compo NoX 5 4,833
(Theatre of shadow)
11 In work Str!pe 19 4,698
12 А в детстве получалось Dreamcatcher 9 4,667
[He was more lucky in childhood]
13 The victim Str!pe 12 4,522
14 Иде я? [Where am i?] Dreamcatcher 10 4,142
15 Девушка [Girl] Macik/M&M`s 17 3,873
16 budda Zombie/ENstudio 15 3,865
17 Fresh forces Str!pe 14 3,649
_\ PC Realtime - Coding /_______________________________________________________
1 ПРЕВЕД ЦЭЦЭ НОЛЬ ШЕСТЬ!!! DEN/bemz 1 6,724
[PREVED, c c zero six!!!]
2 nature session newart/n-discovery 4 5,32
3 cubic slides San 2 4,566
4 Album Squid 3 4,053
_\ Combined - 64k intro /_______________________________________________________
1 Offworld attempt of suicide 1 7,645
2 Form Factor f0x,Lost Soul,UNC 2 7,429
3 click3 UNC 3 5,906
4 Fallen sides San & Silent 4 5,29
_\ Combined - 16mb demo /_______________________________________________________
1 my own bullet of autumn Crolyx team 6 8,313
2 gaia ecological research group 7 7,071
3 The E-Motion IT-Forge 5 6,74
4 realshit Nirvana 1 5,504
5 Silent place San & Tone 3 5,309
6 236 team AmiRUS & Simon^CPU 2 4,964
7 Trash Transgenic crew 4 4,212
_\ Best exhibit /_______________________________________________________________
1 Exhibit #44 21
2 Exhibit #1 17
3 Exhibit #11 14
3 Exhibit #36 14
5 Exhibit #32 13
6 Exhibit #23 10
6 Exhibit #34 10
8 Exhibit #6 9
9 Exhibit #21 8
9 Exhibit #31 8
11 Exhibit #39 6
12 Exhibit #42 5
12 Exhibit #40 5
14 Exhibit #41 4
14 Exhibit #3 4
16 Exhibit #10 3
16 Exhibit #12 3
16 Exhibit #26 3
16 Exhibit #17 3
16 Exhibit #45 3
16 Exhibit #46 3
16 Exhibit #47 3
16 Exhibit #55 3
16 Exhibit #8 3
25 Exhibit #20 2
25 Exhibit #14 2
25 Exhibit #37 2
25 Exhibit #38 2
25 Exhibit #9 2
25 Exhibit #5 2
25 Exhibit #54 2
32 Exhibit #22 1
32 Exhibit #15 1
32 Exhibit #25 1
32 Exhibit #33 1
32 Exhibit #43 1
32 Exhibit #51 1
32 Exhibit #52 1
32 Exhibit #53 1
"Best homemade device", "best mod" competitions was combined with "best exhibit"
_\ Best computer image printed /________________________________________________
results will be known later
_\ Competition for the best invitation (intro/demo) to the festival /___________
1 Chaos Construction 2006 invtro Fox & K
2 chaos construction 2006 demoparty Crolyx team
3 invitation for chaos constructins 2006 Ascaridas
4 Invitation to Chaos Constructions'2006 Vega
5 Chaos Construction 2006 invitro - team Power Amiga
Let's Go!
_\ PC Realtime - Hack (protection removal) /____________________________________
1 Vital 1h41m
_\ Cybergorodki (outdoor) /_____________________________________________________
1 Aim
2 Mozg/mayHem
3 Pink/mayHem
_\ 8-bit - ZX Spectrum Realtime Hack (protection removal) /_____________________
1 Dizzy 7 hack Kurles / CPU 0h35m
2 Dizzy 7 hack Alx/BW 2h25m
_\ Wi-Fi network penetration /__________________________________________________
1 afx237_v7
_\ Best blog reporting festival progress /______________________________________
1 Serge Matveenko
2 Burokrat
(there was another competitors)
_\ Web design /_________________________________________________________________
_\ Graphics - Modelling /_______________________________________________________
_\ Overall party winner /_______________________________________________________
Crolyx team
textmode results recompilation by diver/4d