
Atari Computer Demo Contest 1991

  • 5th January - 5th April 1991
  • Online

Atari Computer Demo Contest - Press Release

As Atari Computer Corp. gets into full swing for 1991, dealers are requesting as many demonstration programs as possible to "show off" the abilities of our hardware. We are looking for demos that feature DMA sound, digitized speech, and advanced color graphics that will make people want to buy the STe/MegaSTe/TT series of computers.

Submitted demos might include:

o Demos that take advantage of the expanded STe/TT color palette.
o Demos that show off the abilities of existing presentation graphics packages such as the Cyber Series, Deluxe Paint, and others.
o Demos along the lines of Cool STe and Tony Barker's.
o Interactive demos -- self running demos that a shopper in a store can get involved with.

All submitted demos will become property of Atari Corporation, with all rights reserved and may be freely distributed to our dealers and users. Judging will be done by Atari staff in Sunnyvale and all decisons made by the judges will be considered final and not reviewable by any other person or agency. Employees (and their families) of Atari Corporation, its advertising agencies, and its subsidiaries are ineligible.

One winner and two runner-ups will be selected from the files either uploaded to our Email address on GEnie (ATARIDEV), CompuServe (70007, 1072),
or mailed directly to our offices at:

Atari Corporation
1196 Borregas Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Attention: Bill Rehbock

Mailed entries must be postmarked no later than March 26, 1991 and received by us in-house by April 5, 1991 to qualify for entry. The contest prizes are listed below.


1st Prize..........32MHz TT030/8-50
1st runner-up......16MHz MegaSTe/4-50
2nd runner-up......Lynx & 2 additional games

Feel free to copy this announcement as long as it is reproduced in its entirety.



Atari ST/E - Demo
Atari ST/E - Demo
Atari ST/E - Tool

Last edited on 12 Apr 2022 by ltk_tscc. See all edits