Sunrise 2011 - Results

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  | XXx... .   /_______/______/       /        /____/  9tH-11tH sEPTEMBER 2011
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                                R E S U L T S

     #1	 Mampf! by D.Fox	                                             150.0
     #2	 Sorry mate, but your mix is bit "muddy" by SilverLance	       126.0
     #3	 dragonfly by spiny / torment	                                 122.0
     #4	 What u doin' on my sock?? by Topy44	                         121.0
     #5	 Dancer In The Dark by FRaNKy	                                 109.0
     #6	 Ribbit by Madame	                                             104.0
     #7	 Goliath by Bobic/	                                 100.0
     #8	 Meanwhile, in 2009.. by Deltafire	                            98.0
     #9	 See me a million times by CONS	                                92.0
     #10	 Hattie the Dog by spiny / torment	                          88.0
     #11	 Dorset Sunrise by nativ	                                    75.0
     #12	 Sunrise by Will	                                            72.0

     Freestyle Graphics
     #1	 DomGeist by prince / the obsessed maniacs / dienstagstreff
 	       / neoplasia	                                                 155.0
     #2	 kenzombi by Nytrik/cocoon	                                   151.0
     #3	 Future is Now by Forcer / Desire	                             142.0
     #4	 Foreigner by Raven/Nuance	                                   133.0
     #5	 Musical Chips! by Deltafire	                                 113.0
     #6	 Three letters are enough for everyone by mog[3ln|trbl]	       103.0
     #7	 Rushed by spiny / torment	                                    96.0
     #8	 Moonlight Reflection by nativ	                                78.0

     Oldskool Music
     #1	 IT 3.A.E.A.M by h0ffman / Unstable Label ^ m0n0	             158.0
     #2	 Back in the saddle by Ziphoid / SceneSat^Brainstorm	         129.0
     #3	 Rock Right Now by Subi/ DESiRE ^ m0n0	                       112.0
     #4	 square powah by ne7/dcs & scoopex	                           107.0
     #5	 FATboyPlim by Rebb/TRSi^Paradise	                             100.0
     #6	 Outrun (Short) by nativ	                                      61.0

     Freestyle Music
     #1	 "404" by m0d	                                                 128.0
     #2	 Sunshine by rc55	                                             113.0
     #3	 Thats A Plenty - Bounce Mix by Keito	                         108.0
     #3	 I saw the Sunrise by Orange Goes Pop feat. CoLD SToRAGE	     108.0
     #5	 Dreadlights by DeathBoy	                                     103.0
     #6	 Ice Cold Cheese by velo	                                     101.0
     #7	 3AM Eternal (KLF cover) by Syphus/Up Rough	                   100.0
     #8	 Free Fall Through Time by SunSpire	                            93.0
     #9	 Misawa by Aech	                                                89.0
     #10	 Chewing Earplugs by Buzzer/Brainstorm	                      87.0
     #11	 rundown by xyce (xylo&cerror)	                              86.0
     #12	 Sans titre.xm by xyce = xylo and cerror	                    83.0
     #13	 Coming Later by Manotron	                                    70.0

     #1	 Don't Come Back - Angry Woman by M0D	                         135.0
     #2	 Music Disk 01 by Torment	                                     105.0

     Oldskool Demo
     #1	 Justin Beeper by Hooy-Program	                               122.0
     #2	 8-Bit Jungle by Unstable Label	                               114.0
     #3	 BeebNyan by puppeh/CRTC	                                     100.0
     #4	 Shorty by Torment	                                            88.0

     #1	 fr-071: sunr4y by kb^farbrausch	                             145.0
     #2	 easyDemo by Sack	                                              93.0
     #3	 Fillerzwaffle by Tolle	                                        92.0
     #4	 Hammer Chime by High Class Villas	                            85.0