Datahelg 2004 (5) - Results
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The 5th Datahelg meeting at Vodkas place in Västerås took place this weekend, with about 20 attenders or so, among them two kangaroo jockeys from Oz, lots of Fairlighters and other weirdos. The meeting was a great success until people started disappearing during Saturday night. But before that happened, the compos took place. Here are the results:
C-64 Demo compo
1. Plotkiform by Hujowa
C-64 Music and Graphics Collection compo
1. Göttart by Fairlight
C-64 Graphics compo
1. Oxidy
2. Cyborg
3. Wanker
C-64 Music compo
1. Hein
2. Ne7
3. Maktone
3. Goto80
5. GH
6. Dalezy
7. Puterman
Wanking compo
1. Oxidy
2. Vodka
Boxing tournament
1. Hollowman, Vengeance and Puterman