Edit history for speccy.pl party 2020.1

2025-02-07 00:42:02 psenough Set releases to 192 bytes (per frame), GOODBYE WORLD, MMXX, Smoothie, MandelZoomXM
2025-02-07 00:41:30 psenough Set releases to GOODBYE WORLD, MMXX, Smoothie, 192 bytes (per frame)
2025-02-07 00:41:07 psenough Set releases to GOODBYE WORLD, Smoothie, MMXX
2025-02-07 00:39:29 psenough Set releases to Smoothie, GOODBYE WORLD
2024-05-23 17:51:21 psenough Set releases to Smoothie
2021-01-07 01:37:58 Saga_Musix Set cancelled to True
2020-03-21 11:03:00 exocet Edited notes
2020-03-11 22:03:17 vv8 Set start date to 4 April 2020, end date to 4 April 2020
2019-09-01 15:24:40 100bit Added party 'speccy.pl party 2020.1'