Chaos Constructions 2020 Winter - Results

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 _ ___ _      ______              _ ____ _       _ __ _     _ ___ _
__________    ______  __        ____________   __________  __________
___________ _|      |____    _   ___________  _____________ __________
\       ___\\_           \  ____ \___       ||             |\       __\ \
 \      \    |     \      \ _________|      ||c  h  a  o  s| \      \
\ \      \   |      \      \\       _       ||constructions|  \      \ \
 \ \      \  |      |\      \\      \       ||2 - 0 - 2 - 0|   \      \ \ \
\ \ \      \ |      | \      \\      \      || w i n t e r |    \      \ \
   \ \______\|______|  \______\\____________||_____________|_dvr_\      \ \ \
       ______ ______       __    ___________   _  __  ____               \ \
_____  ____  ____   _____ |  |_ ____ __ __ _____ |  |_ __  ____  ____   __\__
\   _\| __ ||    \ _\   _\|  _/|  _/|  \  |\   _\|  _/|  || __ ||    \ _\   _\
 \__\ |____||__\__|\____\ |__| |__|  \____| \__\ |__| |__||____||__\__|\____\
   _    __    _  _   ____  _    _      ___    _   _    _____  ____  _____  ____ 
                                                      /_   /_| __ |/_   /_| __ |
                                                       /____/|____| /____/|____|

  Invitation Graphics 
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       01   37 Viva la AON by frog/ROi

  Invitation Music
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       01   55 Not So Rave by DJames
       02   53 sunday room full of stars by e!ghtbm

  Invitation Executable
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       01   74 CC20 4k invitation by Fenomen
       02   65 Chaos Constructions 2020 invitation by errorsoft/error/quiet 
       03   56 CC2020 invitation by Excess team
       04   54 VooDoo by RKGekk