
Sector 3 Copy-party 1990

  • 11th - 13th May 1990
  • Göteborgs stad, Västra Götaland, Sweden

In Endless Riddance v4.3, Deceit wrote "Today it's the 10:th of may 1990! And tomorrow, we will travel to Gothenburg to join Sector 3's copy-party. We've heard rumours that about 15 groups will come" and later in the demo, "today's the day when the demo-competition woz judged! we won! (of course!). the motivation woz that it woz breaking the wall between the 64 and the amiga! no more bragging now! frontline zero ended up on second place... and at the 3:rd place we found megablast crew..... sector 3S wasn't included coz they were the judge!! also not included woz exterminator grp, because of stolen routines!!".

Last edited on 3 Jul 2020 by menace. See all edits