
GroovyCompo #7

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Comments On First Place:

- was the clear choice for first for me and Ybgc07 was close behind. Tan-pull was a bit harder to choose for third. Overall, I thought that this compo was a bit worse in quality than the previous groovycompos. I don't know if it's because of a general lack of inspiration, a hard-to-use samplepack, or just a bad mood of mine. Even my song sucks more than usual :)
- got it 1st for many reasons...mainly tho because it started off with a great beat, skipping the sometimes annoying intro. It got right to the point and also did not use repetition in a bad way. The tune itself sounded very familiar to a song I know, but I'll let it pass this time. The instruments were nicely used together, giving the song more meaning...great piece of work. :)

- Groovy beat.. the funy drums were pretty neatly used. Nice piano background. I think that Tangerine has a nice sound in his tune, and an uplifting groove. Very well constructed, with musical variety.. and since I like jazzy/funky tunes..
- Well I guess this song managed to pull something out of the air all right and produced something that didnt sound awful like the rest of them. It had good rythm and the tune flowed nicely and was technically adequate.. The piano chords were a bit grinding but that was the samples fault really. I dont think this weeks song pack sounds so bad because the people cant track, i just think the sample pack ruined any chance of people writing something half decent.. I think this was the worst sample pack out of all the gc's.
- Um. Groovy song, for aptly titled "groovy" compo. Ok, the compo isn't very groovy. Some might say the name means more than the song :) But I cease and desist. Tangerine's song was mucho nifty. It was a choice between Protocol and Tangerine and I went with Tang because it had more of a happy feel to it. Sorry, but depressing music, well.....depresses me. I want happy boom boom dance type get up and groove music. Tang's was more like that. Once again, I don't have much to say on the technical side. It's a feel good type o'song and I LIKED IT heahaeheahe.
- There was a very hard decision to make.. should i vote Tangerine's or Protocol's tune first.I decided to choose Tangerine's for two reasons.. first, i liked the melody and the piano part very very much, and second, i think Protocol looked a bit too closely at Nine One One, the MC5 winner ;). He should at least have credited WAVE ;) But anyway, the tune is great.
- It was more difficult to pick just one first-place entry because the quality of the top songs is improving. This time around it will have to be Tangerine's "Pulled From Air". A funky, light-hearted feel fits the title perfectly. The grinding organ sound was also an interesting feature. I hoped for some more complex piano work, but the effort was sufficient. And, Yannis, it's good to have you back in the music packs. :P "Fractured Light" showed attention to the leads, as well as a refreshing key change. About halfway through, though, the song becomes to "busy" with the voice pop sample somewhat getting in the way of the leads instead of complimenting. That, and the song just seemed to short. I mean, you just get into the groove and then it just all disappears like a dying flashlight. Advice: get some Energizer batts. Also worth a mention are TF_PBK.XM and WINTER.IT. Both with good momentum and style, but just not up to par with the other two. FireLight? What happened? You had the makings of a phat groove but just as it gets interesting, CHICKEN.XM just bows out and leaves us all hanging...

- This song ( has a really nice feel to it, and stands out from the rest of the songs in this pack because it's got alot of memorable phrases and just 'sucks' you in. very nice work from a musician i have a great deal of respect for. another song worth mentioning is, which i find strangely appealing ;)
- I feel that Abyss by Protocol is worthy of first place due to several reasons... The first reason being creative use of the samples and/or the way that they had been modified... Secondly, the tune had a beginning, a middle and an end, unlike many of the other entries. The third reason, is that there was a definite artistic theme to the song, and the titling was appropriate, and it _ACTUALLY left the impression of an Abyss.. Finally, the song is definitly not to be thrown into an Abyss.. but rather, I feel it has the quality of an actual release in it's current form.
"Abyss" by Protocol is a very nice song at all. It has good melody, well done arrangement and hip-hop drums (my favorite ;) with good use of crash cymbal sample. The whole song structure is good and doesn't leave a feeling of unfinished work. Very high level of tracking technique.
- _Abyss was a very skilfull tune. The melodies were candy to my ears and the tune progressed onwards very fluently. The samples were chosen well and they sounded great together. The end could be better without it's boring volume slide, but the tune was good enough to win.

- I'm putting my money on BOH-NG.XM. I like this song a lot, it has agood balance between passion and aggression (a little heavy on the agression in some parts, I'd watch that buzz!), a good breakbeat-sounding beat, and a certain degree of minamalism which i always find tasty.

- firelight once again proves his tracking worth with a really groovy plopbangfest. a thick, rich progression layered midway with that arpeggio'd chippie make for a really cool original tune. although at first listen this tune sounds a LOT like Wave's work, it has its own unique feel. the only problem with this song was that it was too damned short. somebody hire this guy!

- interesting and different trancey ambience. good usage of the given samples. i'm sorry i'm not much of an expert in describing and commenting songs.

- This was the best tune in the compo this time (in a pretty average pack). It's not a masterpiece but it flows fell and makes my pretty happy. :) The melodies are cute and I noticed several nice "fill-in" melodies that kinda sneaked in and raised the enjoyment. Although the tune was good I felt like it never really started, it just kept going? I was waiting for an explosion with heavy percussions, stronger arrangement etc but it never came. Still, it's a worthy winner imho!
- _A very well done song with a good lead-progression that stands out through out the whole tune. It's very original too. Respect!

Comments On Last Place:

- This was hard to choose... Too many to compete for last place

- got last for me because...well...sorry, I just failed to see the point. Sounds like something I was writting when I was 12...if you're 12...very sorry then. :)
- Sounds like my 2nd tune (1992) ever. The percussions are weak and annoying, mainly the claps. There's melody (is there?) but I don't see how it belongs there. It just sucks. :) And the most irritating thing is that the bassline is almost an exact copy of the melody, hehe. Where are the chords? Did you forget to do them or something? :) If this was supposed to be a techno/ house tune you failed. If it was supposed to be something else you failed anyway. One positive thing: You can dance to it, if you can avoid to slip on your puke!
- A song looks like a 15 minutes work: no effects, even no volumes. Seems like turning off different channels while the only one pattern is playing. The author says wrong about a song. I have decided that if hamsters dig it then my home rat should do it too, but it has paid no attention to music. Maybe rat is wrong? ;)

- I ranked this last for technical reasons. It is a decent song, but due to channel doubling, unuse of NNA's, etc, this song gobbles up what sounds like about 3 or 4 times the channels it should (50!).Granted, my machine is not exactly bleeding edge, but it's no slouch, either, (P100 with a SB 64), and it was choking pretty harsh in a few parts. (Incidentally, this may be due to me having something screwed up on my end. anyone have any hints on making IT behave like a good lil' monkey?)

- Are you thinking someone out there likes this (music)? I know you think you are being experimental or somthing but it really just comes out sounding like a big norwegian woman's fart after she ate 10 pounds of curry.
- weak, uninspired, uncatchy, ungrooving, unmusical, dissonant, annoying - the vocal sample, 'i shall be merciful' adds that jackhammer subtlety which marks this tune with that ironic touch of death. but don't give up tracking; keep practicing! this tune reminds me of the first stuff i made back in '94.
- This was in no way a horrible song. As songs go, some are unlistenable, and some you can listen to but just think "something's lacking." This is just a something's lacking song. I listened to it a couple of times. It sort of grew on me. I began to like parts of it. It just needs something I don't know what. Good points: I like that sample you used. It's strangely ironic, used in this song ;) The beginning is good....Bad points: It needs a melody (I like melody. The basic part of music IMHO) Work on this song. It has potential to be mucho better than it is at the moment. (Like I haven't heard that enough myself)
Comments? does that include sarcasm? I hope so... Because.. I don't wanna touch the damn thing. The vocal doesn't even fit.. the "song" was anything but "Merciful and Quick".. (I
DON'T think so!) However, the introduction to the "song" was quite nice.. too bad it didn't last. The "tune" (?) reminds me of a cheesy demo song off of an old child-sized keyboard.. an evil, badly done drum-n-bass thingy... For some odd reason, the file.. (yes, more appropriate name..) reminds me of when I've eaten a little too much spicy food. Whatever "Touch" the author had has definitely been long gone... Feh, it still would have been nice to have some sort of melody or even an attempt at one to this file..
- There's absolutely no progression and the melody is not coherent. Still, not the worst tune in the pack.
the fact that you spent two days on this says it all i think..

- The good news is that the worst entries are actually much better than previous GCs. That makes me very happy; we're all learning from this. (I hope that one day that "worst" song will kick serious butt in the general Scene.) The bad news is that they still are somewhat painful to listen to, and I need to pick a victim. Heh heh... So, earned a last in this GC because it exhibits the most of the following---shall we say---"problems". - > SEE SPECIAL COMMENTS BELOW

General Comments:

  • As soon as YBGC07.IT started playing...I thought....ARGH!!!! That damn Mentos add!!! Dunno why...but I soon got over it...nice little piece. Not no.1 but in the top ten for sure.
  • On a general note, I'd just like to say a few words...the first being ...I DON'T CARE HOW MANY FRIGGEN HOURS YOU SPENT WRITING THE MODULE OR WHETHER OR NOT YOU GOT THE SAMPLE PACK IN TIME!!! Tuff luck if something went wrong...could people please stop going on about how they wrote the song 5 minutes before submittion time and that they'll never make it into the placings. Ain't happy? Don't enter! Thank you. :)
  • hey, i have one question - are your (Yannis', in case this goes to someone else) songs elligible for voting? I thought I read something on the page about you dq'ing yourself, but I can't remember and my web-browser is being a pain in the ass. If so, toss it in there at about 7th and bump the rest down.



Tracked Music
Tracked Music
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Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music
Tracked Music

Last edited on 2 Jan 2023 by menace. See all edits