BCC Party 2022 - Results

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# | ___ \| |    | |    _| || |_  | | | ___ \  / _ \| '_ \| | | '_ \ / _ \
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    1.  #01    65 pts    Escape from callisto preview - Hokuto Force  -
                           Digital Monastery - Revel Bytes (music:
                           Nordishcsound - gfx: Raffox - code: Wanax)
    2.  #03    59 pts    The Crazy Drill Man! - Hokuto Force (code & music
                           The Mad Scientist - Slaxx cover pic)
    3.  #02    49 pts    DT 111 Intro Patch - Der Trixxxer


    1.  #01   168 pts    Obscena Vaselina - The Sarge
    2.  #06   160 pts    Spy Eye - Mikael / Pretzel Logic
    3.  #10   154 pts    Dawn of Aliens - Spiham/Pretzel Logic
    4.  #02   137 pts    Blitz Feline - Lobo
    5.  #12   132 pts    Crazy Teddies - Hokuto Force (petscii: Fabs)
    6.  #07   119 pts    Salvation Totem - Hokuto Force (gfx: Fabs)
    7.  #03   113 pts    Flor del Norte - Almighty God/Level
    8.  #08   111 pts    Crises Revisited - Hokuto Force (gfx: Fabs)
    9.  #11   102 pts    Rise of the metal vests - Neuronik/Dentifrice
   10.  #05    90 pts    Back 2 1990 - Slaxx
   11.  #04    87 pts    Together We Stand - Slaxx
   12.  #09    86 pts    Lizard - Nordischsound / Hokuto Force


    1.  #01   161 pts    Street Sports Skeletons - Lobo
    2.  #04   143 pts    Bobba Pet - Fabs / Hokuto Force
    3.  #09   142 pts    Woman Dragon Car - Mrs Beanbag
    4.  #06   113 pts    Sturmtruppen - Kody / Hokuto Force
    5.  #07   112 pts    WRC - Kody / Hokuto Force
    6.  #05   109 pts    Karl Marx - Hokuto Force (petscii: Kody)
    7.  #02   101 pts    Spies Galore - 4gentE
    8.  #08    87 pts    et1999cc Logo - Viralbox / Hokuto Force
    9.  #03    80 pts    Watching - 4gentE


    1.  #08   122 pts    Pulstar - Proton/Finnish Gold
    2.  #02   119 pts    In The Morning (Remix) - The Syndrom/TIA/Pretzel
    3.  #03   110 pts    All the Wrong Places - manganoid/Hokuto Force
    4.  #01    92 pts    Peraustrinia MMXXII - manganoid/Hokuto Force
        #06    92 pts    Zombies SB 2022 - Spider Jerusalem/Mayday!
    6.  #07    91 pts    Overlord Up-Tempo Rock Remix - TheRyk/Mayday!
    7.  #04    89 pts    Castlevania-VampireKiller V2 -
                           Nordischsound/Hokuto Force
    8.  #05    84 pts    Base of Love - Nordischsound/Hokuto Force


    1.  #02   144 pts    Psychic Carpet Bombing - Mibri / Atlantis ^
                           MultiStyle Labs
    2.  #01   142 pts    Destination: Groovetown - Danko /FLT and Vincenzo
        #09   142 pts    Renaissance Intermezzo Fugaliuz - Xiny6581 /
                           Pretzel Logic
    4.  #08   125 pts    Six trees on the run - Røly / Mayday!
    5.  #06   117 pts    Cosmos - Onosendai
        #11   117 pts    Fractalyzed - Proton/Finnish Gold
    7.  #04   114 pts    Random Access Memory - w4rp8
    8.  #07   109 pts    Az Én Leguánom Nem Viselhet Cipöt -
    9.  #10    91 pts    BCC Party Digi Entry - DeMOSic
   10.  #05    79 pts    Bhagwan im Backwahn - Stabile Altbauten
   11.  #03    76 pts    SYS4000@16 - Sonki


    1.  #06   163 pts    Fairyland - Fairlight
    2.  #05   158 pts    Deep in the Forest - Atlantis
    3.  #08   154 pts    Tank à chat - Dentifrice
    4.  #03   146 pts    PETSCII Aquarium - VCC
    5.  #04   123 pts    Locked Up - Xenon
    6.  #07   112 pts    Stacy Overlords At A Wavy Seaside - TheRyk /
    7.  #01    90 pts    Maniac Maniac - Lethargy
    8.  #02    50 pts    Sehr bunt! - TheIncredibleBauchspeck / Saufbox


    1.  #12   151 pts    Sprite Bukkake - Bonzai
    2.  #14   148 pts    Sprite Spirit - Lethargy
    3.  #08   140 pts    Farawaydius - eryngi
    4.  #13   138 pts    Plasma Ninja - Resource
    5.  #07   132 pts    Robomania - Lazycow
    6.  #01   125 pts    spritemo - Delysid
    7.  #04   120 pts    Dragon Channel - Hack n' Trade
        #09   120 pts    Just done for fun ! - Onslaught
    9.  #06   119 pts    Tree of Peace - Genesis Project
   10.  #11   116 pts    Icosprites - Rastertail/Onslaught
   11.  #10   113 pts    Breaking Bad - Serato / Finnish Gold
   12.  #05   104 pts    Spritro - Genesis Project
   13.  #03   102 pts    Only Sprite Intro 2022 - Excess
   14.  #15    94 pts    Kung Fu Pico - Goerp/F4CG
   15.  #02    33 pts    Pee! - Sauhund


    1.  #01    97 pts    The Funeral - Dream
    2.  #02     0 pts    Early Bird - TheRyk / BCC & MYD!


        52 votes were cast by 70 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.hu