Get Ready - Results

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                            LOVEBYTE GET READY STREAM
                                JANUARY 14th 2023


    1.  #18   163 pts    a cold night - luchak
    2.  #16   161 pts    Chaos Tunnel - gigabates
    3.  #19   160 pts    Fractal Reactor - GoingDigital
    4.  #09   154 pts    Jelly Hearts (TIC-80) - jtruk
    5.  #17   144 pts    Triple Tunnel - cid
    6.  #15   140 pts    Heartbyte - Liquidream
    7.  #06   138 pts    scanner - luchak
    8.  #14   136 pts    And It Burns Burns Burns - cybørt^Twilight
    9.  #05   132 pts    Cubic Zirconia - gigabates
   10.  #07   128 pts    Brain crash - Kii
   11.  #13   127 pts    Photosynthesis - cid
   12.  #12   124 pts    Microbes - Koorogi
   13.  #02   119 pts    storm - silvia
   14.  #03   112 pts    serpentski - penguin42
   15.  #11   107 pts    LED - Lokki
   16.  #10   105 pts    ThanksTunnel - HeNeArXn
   17.  #08   104 pts    Silent Snow, Secret Snow - @BookWyvern (Twitter)
   18.  #01    96 pts    psicles - Dr Dougal
   19.  #04    91 pts    Trippy Plasma - machine_cat.exe


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