Decrunch 2024 - Results

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 ... |  |                 |[]| .. ......       .............      oLDSKoOL
 :   |  |   17th - 19th   |  |     :::::       :::       :::     dEMOPaRTY  :
     |  |     May 2o24    |  |      :::       :::::     :::::     .........::
 .   |  |     wROcLaW     |  |     :::::       :::       :::       ::::. 
     |  `-----------------'  |     ::::      P . A . R . T . Y      ::::
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  .. EXEcuTaBLe MsX .::....::.

     1st  . 108 pts .  "synapse overdrive"  tomarkus & e!ghtbm/futuris^joker
     2.   :  92     .  "Paola von Pookey"   no9

  .. AMIga tRAcKeD MsX .::...:

     1st  . 107 pts  .  "Hoppy Cardiocore"   no9
     2.   . 104      :  "rockabot2body"      e!ghtbm/futuris^joker
     3.   : 100      :  "Casyopea is back"   BARTESEK
     4.   :  83      .  "989"                XCopy
     5.   .  65      :  "Article"            Filippp

  .. aMIGa rAYtRaCE GfX .::....

     1st  :  63 pts  .  "Tac-2"              Sande / Hokuto Force
     2.   .  62      :  "Popoliczka"         Wujek / Casyopea

  .. AMiGA PiXel GfX ...:.::...

     1st  : 106 pts  .  "Mr. Incognito"      Vasyl
     2.   . 103      :  "Seamonster"         Facet / Lemon. ^ G*P ^ Bonzai
     3.   : 100      :  "wildflame (wip)"    jok/dreamweb
     4.   .  76      .  "Fragments"          farfar ^ Loonies and FLEX

  .. wILd DeMO .:::...:::::....

     1st  . 101 pts  .  "superchromatism"    e!ghtbm/futuris^joker & tomarkus
          : 101      :  "AVR DEMO"           ADAMSTAN84
     3.   .  88      :  "The Arrival"        Spejs Sqrwols

  .. aMiGA DEmo ..:::...:.::...

     1st  :  95 pts  :  "tense"              TEK
     2.   .  65      .  "Windy Day"          Greippi
     3.   :  57      :  "Tasiemiec"          Floppy